

WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
An woman sitting at a table reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka
An audience member reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka,
Browse our archive of resources below.
The front cover of the report which has the words how not to engage with authoritarian states in large letters above the names of the authors and the WFD and FCDO logos

This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.


Publication type
Comparative study on legislation and practices in Indonesia, Moldova, and Nigeria
| Study
Image of the front cover of the report
Sunset clauses set an expiration date on a particular law or set of provisions. The expiration is either automatic or subject to a positive or negative authorisation by the legislature.
| Report
Image of the front cover of the report
At the invitation of Gambia's Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), WFD's Thematic Election Expert Observation Mission (TEEOM) observed the 4 December 2021 presidential election of The Gambia from 31 October 2021. The mission assessed participation of women and inclusivity more broadly based on relevant regional and international standards for elections. It also assessed the role of media and social media in the election.
| Report
Image of the front cover of the report
Higher levels of political participation have been linked to lower levels of corruption across the
world. This policy brief will explore this relationship in more detail.
| Report
Anti-corruption and gender report cover
To support Jordan’s political reform process and help the country’s political decision-making be more open and inclusive, Westminster Foundation for Democracy has been working as part of a consortium of organisations to implement the ‘EU Support to Jordanian Democratic Institutions and Development’ (EU-JDID) programme since 2017.
| Guide
This policy paper examines how political party strengthening contributes to democracy promotion and identifies where these approaches work best. The evidence suggests that the sister-party model – a model centred on relationships between parties with similar ideological positions – has value, but that it would be more effective if it were deployed more strategically.
| Briefing
We set out to find out what causes women to choose a career in the civil society sector rather than in politics. Is politics preventing women from finding the right balance between public and private life? Does the violence against women in politics drive women away from the political sphere?
| Study
Image of the front cover of the report
Preliminary Statement of the WFD Thematic Election Expert Observation Mission The Gambia Presidential Election 2021
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A new report by Dr Tom Caygill analyses the frequency and the outcomes of PLS that has taken place in the UK Parliament in order to provide an insight into how this form of scrutiny is being undertaken.
| Report
Image of the front cover of the report
Young people in Montenegro are disappointed and have lost trust in political parties, a new study commissioned by WFD shows. What is more, young people still show very little interest in the political scene in Montenegro.
| Report
Montenegro youth
Environmental democracy has three pillars: transparency, participation and justice. This document explains how WFD supports a democratic response to global environmental crises by working with parliaments, political parties and civil society.
| Briefing
Image of the front cover of the report
In recent years, the development of coastal regions in the Republic of Albania has taken a priority for the government and the private sector. Often, such developmental plans do not consider the environmental impact they might have for the specific area and beyond. The affected communities and other stakeholders are not included in the consultation processes and their concerns are not heard.
| Study
Image of the front cover of the report
Since the establishment of the Human Rights and Gender Equality Network of Committees (HUGEN) in the Western Balkans in 2019, more than 200 members of parliaments and 40 parliamentary staff members, from 8 participating parliaments, have been cooperating on improving human rights and gender laws and policies.
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Image of the front cover of the report
Open societies around the world and the international system that supports them are under growing threat. This Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) publication provides detailed analysis and practical ideas for how the UK can meet this challenge with a ‘renewed commitment to (being) a force for good in the world-defending openness, democracy and human rights’ necessary for ‘shaping the open international order of the future’.
| Report
Union Jack flying over the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
This guide from Wesminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the newDemocracy Foundation is designed to support the needs of elected representatives and their advisors—those who would like to strengthen how elected politicians engage with their voters. It is meant for those decision-makers who want to be inspired by new and innovative ways to bring citizens to the heart of the decision.
| Guide
The deliberative democracy resource front cover