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The role of parliaments is not only to adopt legislation, but also to ensure that the laws are of good quality and implemented in practice. This can only happen if laws are scrutinized after they have been adopted.
Albania has dealt with 2 major crises during between 2019 and 2020. The devastating earthquake of November 2019 caused 51 casualties and thousands of people lost their shelter. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the country in March 2020 has caused 1066 casualties until mid-December 2020.
Albania | Study |
The Lebanese youth is severely underrepresented in Parliament, where the median age of MPs is 60.4 years. That is why WFD trained young people elected as MPs to the Lebanese Youth Parliament.
Lebanon |
WFD's Sophia Fernandes and Halyna Shevchuk, Ukraine Country Representative, highlight the importance of women's political participation in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
WFD’s Multi-Party Office (MPO) talked to a senior representative from the United Party for National Development (UPND) following her party’s electoral victory in Zambia. We asked her about the results, her role within the UPND, and her aspirations for women’s political leadership within the new UPND government.
Connecting parliaments: Harnessing digital dividends to increase transparency and citizen engagement
Parliamentary digital transformation is a relatively underfunded area of work, but a vitally important one in achieving the very common overarching goals of open, accountable, inclusive and participative government. Improvements in how parliamentary digital capacity building can be done better are possible with better strategy, funding and cooperation, and when parliaments are enthusiastic and willing to take the opportunities offered to them to improve themselves.
Report |
WFD’s Multi-Party Office (MPO) talked to a senior representative from the United Party for National Development (UPND) following her party’s electoral victory in Zambia. We asked her about the results, her role within the UPND, and her aspirations for women’s political leadership within the new UPND government.
Since August 2020, WFD in partnership with Demo Finland have been working to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities within Kenyan political parties through the Kenya Inclusive Political Parties (KIPP) programme. This is an update, by the programme's coordinator, of what has been achieved so far and what next should be done.
Kenya |
Our Long-Term Observer (LTO) training provides knowledge and skills required for those aspiring to become LTOs in future OSCE/ODIHR missions. The course will take place from Monday 28 to Wednesday 30 March 2022 from 09:00-17:00 in Westminster, London.
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions survey report
Sri Lanka | Report |
Political parties can help strengthen environmental democracy through mediating public preferences and political voices, by holding government accountable on environmental actions, and through party competition. But there is a need for more awareness of environmental issues and policy responses to climate change among political parties – that is where international support can help.
There is a growing trend towards the use of internet shutdowns around elections. It is vital that the international elections community takes coordinated pre-emptive action to ensure that internet shutdowns do not become an established or tolerated international norm.
At WFD, we believe that the power of people is the most transformative force on earth. Over the last 30 years we have actively helped democracies to grow stronger, so that freedom and prosperity can flourish.
Day 3 of our Conference on Environmental Democracy focuses on putting environmental Democracy into practice.
This study explores the potential for development cooperation to help address climate change and environmental degradation through greater focus on environmental governance.
Briefing |