WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
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This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.
Governments seeking to close political space have a number of tools at their disposal. One popular tactic is to suppress civil society by restricting foreign funding, controlling registration and imposing onerous reporting requirements. Parliaments often aid and abet executives in this process, even in purportedly democratic states. This paper examines when parliaments protect political space by rejecting restrictive civil society laws. In doing so, it identifies several factors that shape the success (or failure) of international efforts to motivate legislatures to defend democracy.
Published in 2017, this manual is designed to help support the experienced researchers to deliver training courses to the new or junior staff members, providing guidance on the important tasks: enquires, writing briefings, and an introduction to the core policies underlying parliamentary research work.
Democracy promoters cannot avoid these trade-offs, but with systematic evaluation of past programmes they can navigate them more effectively. This policy paper draws on the Westminster Foundation for Democracy’s experience in parliamentary strengthening to suggest how this might be done.
This report presents a summary of key themes and findings discussed throughout the conference. The report also includes a comprehensive set of recommendations that were agreed upon by all participants to address the regional challenges related to the cost of politics.
This synthesis report is the product of a collaboration between the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the University of Oxford’s “Parliaments, the Rule of Law and Human Rights” research project. The report is based on case studies examining the parliaments and parliamentary human rights committees of six countries (Georgia, Macedonia, Serbia, Uganda, Ukraine and Tunisia) using a set of key practices. This synthesis report presents a set of general recommendations for strengthening parliamentary capacity in ensuring the protection and realisation of human rights, as well as country-specific recommendations.
This report aims to begin the process of examining issues around the cost of politics- with a view to identifying appropriate policy and other responses that both national authorities and civil society groups, and the donor community, can consider
The aim of this study, undertaken jointly by Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the Centre for Study and Research Action on Governance (CERAG), is to provide substantive data on the costs of parliamentary work in Senegal.
This paper demonstrates the challenges that those working to strengthen democracy confront in putting their strategies into practice, using the Westminster Foundation for Democracy’s (WFD) work with civil society as an example. While formulating effective interventions is a significant challenge, how to go about implementing them is often just as problematic.
The process of competitive politics can undermine the integrity and effectiveness of individual MPs and parliament as a whole. This study explores the electoral model in Sierra Leone and investigates the cost of politics and the approaches that are adopted to maintain positions of power, considering this financial burden.
This paper draws on semi-structured interviews with serving and former members of parliament, as well as civil society practitioners to get their thoughts on the financial implications of running for office in Nigeria.
This objective of this background paper is to conduct primary research on the cost of parliamentary politics in Ukraine; the financial implications of running for a seat in the national parliament (Rada), and the cost incurred by an MP once in office.
This analysis focuses on both tangible and intangible aspects of the cost of politics. It is often (rightly) assumed that the intangible aspects (such as illegal financing, media control, lack of institutional response) are more prone to corruption or other legal wrongdoings. This report explores the legal framework and its changes over the past years, the political and party culture, business-party interests, the role of the political elites in preserving the system, ethnic cleavages and the role played by the political and electoral system. A dozen interviews were held with former and current MPs,
unsuccessful candidates, smaller party representatives, non-governmental organisation (NGO) representatives dealing with political campaign financing and individuals working in the media.
This study assess the prevalence of violence and discrimination against women politicians in Ukraine, as well as the attitude of women politicians towards the incidence of violence and discrimination against women politicians and how it influences them.
The Kyrgyz Republic is the sole democracy to emerge from the Central Asian post-Soviet states. While the country has experienced two revolutions in the past ten years, it has emerged as a stable parliamentary system in the region. But the country has seen a dramatic increase in the cost of politics within the last decade that threatens to undermine the fledgling democracy.