WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
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This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.
This framework clarifys what electoral commission independence is and offers a framework for election observers, civil society groups, parties, journalists, and the public to use to assess the independence of a specific electoral commission.
Parliamentary digital transformation is a relatively underfunded area of work, but a vitally important one in achieving the very common overarching goals of open, accountable, inclusive and participative government. Improvements in how parliamentary digital capacity building can be done better are possible with better strategy, funding and cooperation, and when parliaments are enthusiastic and willing to take the opportunities offered to them to improve themselves.
This guide is designed to provide democracy practitioners and other interested readers with an explanation of what civic space is, and what attempts to close civic space look like in practice; An overview of data sources that can be used to measure changes in civic space; An explanation of some of the underlying risks; Practical action points for incorporating the issue of civic space into projects; and more.
Westminster Foundation for Democracy, within the framework of EU-funded Media Dialogue project, conducted an analysis of the legal framework for the Right to Information (RTI) in Kyrgyzstan.
Corruption has a negative effect on development, economic growth, and democracy. Independent Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs) are often recommended as the tool to curb corruption. However, the creation of such agencies is not a panacea to the scourge of corruption. In some instances, ACAs have been a disappointment and their effectiveness has been questioned. Their efficiency depends on political will to allocate authority, powers, and resources.
The Covid-19 pandemic has created many health, economic, and social difficulties in Albania, where different categories of populations have faced different challenges and problems. According to the Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), 6.2 % of the Albanian population belongs to the group of persons with disabilities (PwD).
Since the start of the democratic transition in Albania in 1990, the country has gone through many reform processes. However, there has not yet been a significant growth in the number and social power of civic movements. Nevertheless, in recent years social movements arising around new causes are propelling progressive ideas into the public domain.
To assess the extent to which legislators have been able to exert leadership during COVID-19 and the impact that legislative oversight has had on government responses, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the Developmental Leadership Programme and the International Development Department at the University of Birmingham developed the “Legislative Responses to COVID-19 Tracker”, which monitors whether the legislature sat; whether there was legislative oversight of the initial response from 1 March to 1 May 2020; and whether legislatures had ongoing oversight from 1 April to 1 September 2020. This report sets out the findings of the research, and outlines recommendations for how countries can ensure effective accountability and oversight in times of crisis.
In Albania, as in most other countries in the world, the Covid-19 pandemic posed an unusual health emergency that directly or indirectly affected the wellbeing of the citizens, economy, and other social processes.
Women’s rights are human rights. However, the legal protection of these rights is not guaranteed in all parts of the world. This report covers how effective policymaking can end gender-based violence.
Albania has dealt with 2 major crises during between 2019 and 2020. The devastating earthquake of November 2019 caused 51 casualties and thousands of people lost their shelter. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the country in March 2020 has caused 1066 casualties until mid-December 2020.
Вестминстер демократия фонду, Европа Биримдиги тарабынан каржыланган Медиа Диалог долбоорунун алкагында, Кыргызстанда маалымат жетүү укугунун укуктук базасына талдоо жүргүздү. Ошол эле учурда, маалыматка жетүү укугу жөнүндө мыйзамга, Кепилдиктер жөнүндө мыйзамга жана ушул тармакка байланыштуу башка мыйзамдарга басым жасалды. Анализди эл аралык эксперт Тоби Мендель жергиликтүү эксперт Наргиза Абдураимова колдоосу менен жүргүздү.
Excluding persons with disabilities (PWDs) from political processes means that their voices are not adequately heard and reflected in policy decisions. In October 2020, WFD commissioned a new research to better understand the challenges which persons with disabilities (PWDs) in political parties face in their daily lives.
This study concludes that parliaments are integral for post-war governance and instrumental in securing successful implementation of peace agreements and long-term quality of peace.