Gender-sensitive Analysis on Barriers and Solutions to Enhance Women Political Participation in Malaysia

Vacancy - consultant

Gender-sensitive Analysis on Barriers and Solutions to Enhance Women Political Participation in Malaysia

WFD seeks to commission a consultant to work with WFD Malaysia to collect data, analyse, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the current context and identify strategic opportunities to enhance inclusive and accountable governance.
Group of people talking


About WFD 

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. WFD works in partnership with political parties, parliaments, and civil society organisations to create fairer and more inclusive, accountable, and transparent political system. WFD strengthens the capacity of these key democratic institutions, helping ensure they have the systems, knowledge, and skills to perform effectively. WFD also fosters improved democratic processes, bringing together individuals and institutions, and encouraging them to work together to solve concrete problems, applying democratic values and principles.  

WFD’s work on women’s political leadership considers the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that stop women from fully participating in politics and governance. We work with partners to develop systems and strategies that challenge and transform them. Our programmes help to embed gender analysis throughout all aspects of parliamentary business, support women's political leadership and end violence against women in politics (VAWP).  


Within an 18-month implementation period between March 2022 and August 2023, WFD has significantly enhanced the inclusiveness of the political landscape in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia through the first phase of its ASEAN Women’s Political Leadership (ASEAN WPL) Phase I, funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). This programme connects and supports a diverse group of politically active individuals. This included members of parliament, women candidates, party leaders, officials, and male allies, along with representatives from civil society and the media across Southeast Asian countries.  

In the region, one of the major successes was the enhancement of regional collaboration and the establishment of strong networks among women politicians in the region. These networks were instrumental during Indonesia’s 2023 presidency in the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), where WFD's engagement led to the Indonesian parliament endorsing a resolution on enhancing ASEAN resilience through women leadership. This resolution, a significant milestone, underscores Indonesia's commitment to gender-responsive governance. The programme's influence extended beyond Indonesia, inspiring similar initiatives in other ASEAN countries and creating a ripple effect that bolstered women's political leadership across the region. 

In 2024, the ASEAN WPL Phase II programme aims to advance equality in politics and wider society in ASEAN countries, specifically Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand. The programme focuses on creating an enabling environment for politically active women to participate and exercise leadership in national, local, and regional politics. It addresses barriers different types of barriers, and violence, including discrimination and harassment, against women in politics. The programme supports the goals of increasing women's representation in politics, protecting women from violence, and promoting gender equality in laws and policies. Building on the successes of Phase I, Phase II plans to introduce systematic data collection on VAWP, connect women political leaders for learning and advocacy, and explore economic inclusion for women's political leadership. The programme seeks to build an enabling environment and promote gender equality in politics at the national and regional levels. 


Building on the result of the ASEAN WPL Phase I, WFD has started a second phase of the women’s political leadership programme funded by Global Affairs Canada, working across Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand. The objective of this 17-month programme is to advance equality in politics and wider society through creating a more enabling environment for politically active women to participate and exercise leadership in politics at national and local levels in these four countries and within the regional context of the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN). 

Malaysia held its 15th General Election in 2022, resulting in 30 women being elected to the House of Parliament, representing 13.51% of the total 222 Members of Parliament. This is a slight increase from the 2018 General Election, where 28 women were elected, accounting for 12.8% of Parliament. Despite this improvement, women remain significantly underrepresented in politics and government i.e. women representation in legislative assemblies (national and subnational) has not reached 15% after attaining independence for almost 70 years. Malaysia ranked 143rd out of 190 countries in 2019 for women's representation in national parliament, down from its rank of 135th in 2018, indicating that progress has been slow and inconsistent. This highlights a serious need to promote active interventions to combat structural inequalities and promote inclusive political participation and leadership.  

To achieve this end, the WFD 2022 ASEAN WPL Report examines barriers to women's political leadership in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It highlights the prevalence of VAWP, with 88% of women political leaders experiencing violence and harassment. The report identifies lack of resources, sexism, and state repression as barriers to gender equity in the ASEAN region. Affirmative action policies have shown to increase women's representation. The report emphasizes the need for continued efforts to promote gender equality in Southeast Asia. 

Looking ahead, WFD is continuing its regional program aimed at advancing women's political participation and leadership across Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. This initiative aligns with our broader commitment to fostering inclusive politics. In light of the evolving political landscape and recent developments since the 2022 General Elections, it is crucial for WFD to conduct an updated, evidence-based gender-sensitive analysis to guide interventions and raise awareness among key stakeholders heading to the next general election due to be held by 2027. This analysis will not only address the persisting barriers and challenges faced by women political leaders but also consider potential future political momentum and its impact on gender dynamics in the region. 

In light of evolving political, economic, and social dynamics, WFD seeks to commission a consultant to work with WFD Malaysia to collect data, analyse, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the current context and identify strategic opportunities to enhance inclusive and accountable governance. The findings and analysis will build on previous findings and adapt to recent developments to inform and guide WFD’s ASEAN WPL Phase II programming and interventions. 



  1. To conduct a gender-sensitive analysis of Malaysia’s post-GE15 political landscape to assess progress, challenges, opportunities, threats, and solutions for women's political participation and leadership, including unique barriers and recommendations to overcome them at party and government levels. 
  2. To identify and analyse barriers to women’s political participation and representation, including structural/systemic issues, and Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP), and propose actionable solutions to minimise or eliminate VAWP, particularly in the digital spaces. 
  3. To develop strategic recommendations for policy and legislative reforms, as well as incentives to encourage policy/legislative/party candidate selection process aimed at creating an enabling environment for women in politics. 


  1. Stakeholder consultations and data collection involving women politicians, civil society, political parties, and experts. 
  2. An evidence-based report (maximum 20 pages) in English highlighting key findings, challenges, and recommendations, including: 
  3. Executive Summary (maximum 2 paragraphs) 
  4. Background and Context 
  5. Problemisation and Research Questions 
  6. Research Methodology (maximum 4 paragraphs) 
  7. Key Findings and Analysis 
  8. Recommendations (concrete actions that can be undertaken by relevant stakeholders at multiple levels e.g. national or subnational executive policy or legislation, internal party process for candidate selection, guideline, etc) 
  9. Dissemination of findings through a stakeholder roundtable and public engagement event. 


The budget proposed by interested applicants must not exceed a maximum of GBP 4,500 (four thousand and five hundred British pound sterling) or the equivalent value in local currency (Malaysia Ringgit). 


Applicants are encouraged to propose a timeline that is reasonable to their process. However, the following schedule indicates an ideal time frame that is preferred by WFD. We welcome different time frame proposal given sufficiently strong justification. 

 Activity  Dates 
Request for proposal  1 – 15 March 2025 
Shortlisting and interview  17 – 26 March 2025 
Final decision, contracting, kick-off meeting  27 March - 3 April 2025 
Data collection and stakeholder consultations  3 April – 29 May 2025 
Report writing  3 June – 17 June 2025 
Submission of draft report  18 June 2025 
Review by WFD staff and technical adviser  19 June – 26 June 2025 
Returning draft to contractor   26 June 2025 
Submission of final report   3 July 2025 
Design, lay out, and printing  3 July – 10 July 2025 
Dissemination event  17 July 2024 

Desired Qualifications 

  • In-depth understanding of Malaysia’s political and governance landscape, particularly regarding women’s political participation and leadership. 
  • Proven track record in conducting gender-sensitive research, with expertise in using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. 
  • Advanced degrees and/or significant research experience in political science, gender studies, public policy, or relevant fields. 
  • Experience working with civil society, policymakers, political leaders, and stakeholders in Malaysia’s democracy and governance sector. 
  • Excellent analytical, writing, and facilitation skills. 
  • Fluency in English and Malay (written and spoken). 

How to express your interest

  • Technical proposal: Outline your plan of how to fulfil the expected deliverables within a reasonable time frame, the profile of stakeholders you would interview/consult with, and theoretical frameworks that will guide your research process. Present how your qualifications, methodologies, and approaches would make the final product unique and innovative compared to the existing evidence base. No more than 5 (five) pages. 
  • Finance proposal: Outline in general terms the expenditure that would be required for you to undertake this assignment. The total budget must not exceed GBP 4,500 or the equivalent value in local currency (Malaysia Ringgit) and comprise three sections: 
  • Research Budget: Professional/expert fees, data collection, interviews, literature, research tools, etc. 
  • Stakeholders’ Consultation Budget: Specify the frequency and size of your consultation plan. 
  • Dissemination Budget: Specify the format, size, and reach of the event. WFD welcomes any potential collaboration/cost-sharing with partners in organising the dissemination event. 
  • Curriculum vitae: Maximum 2 (two) pages per person. 
  • Work sample: We welcome a maximum of 3 (three) sample of your previous publication/research reports on a relevant topic (in English). For group submission, we welcome a maximum of 1 (one) sample per person. 

Submit all of these requirements by email as attachments or shared storage URL (dropbox/onedrive/google drive/etc) to and cc by 15 March 2025. 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and only shortlisted candidates will receive follow-up from WFD. If successful, candidates will need to pass WFD’s background check prior to signing a contract.

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