Introducing e-learning tools for enhancing oversight role of parliaments in the Western Balkans

Post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) looks at the enactment of a law, and whether the legal provisions of the law have been brought into force. It can confirm the effectiveness of a specific law, or equally demonstrate its flaws.
WFD developed the E-course on PLS aiming at supporting parliaments from the HUGEN network (Human Rights and Gender Equality Network of Committees in the Western Balkans) in enhancing their oversight capacities and knowledge, reviewing whether the legislation is achieving intended policies and providing recommendations for its improvement.
The HUGEN network is a regional parliamentary network established with the aim of enhancing existing and developing new mechanisms for regional parliamentary cooperation on human rights and gender issues in the Western Balkan region, and thus this E-course will further support developing of more robust parliamentary oversight of human rights and gender laws and policies.
Consisting of two modules, the E-course provides MPs, parliamentary staff, practitioners and other interested stakeholders with an understanding of the PLS principles and practices in different countries and parliamentary systems, and also with practical advice on the implementation of post-legislative scrutiny.
It provides introduction to the mechanisms for PLS within the legislative cycle, identifies key questions to be asked and roles of different stakeholders through PLS process, explores different types of approaches that can be taken, steps and activities in the implementations phase as well as options for different mechanisms available in the follow-up phase of the PLS process.
The E-course is available in English language, as well as in Albanian, BCMS and Macedonian language.
English version of the course is available here.
Albanian version of the course is available here.
BCMS version of the course is available here.
Macedonian version of the course is available here.