

WFD in Albania works to strengthen democratic governance by promoting transparency, accountability, and inclusivity within political parties and Parliament.
Young people attending a workshop

WFD Albania supports the Albanian Parliament in conducting effective law-making and oversight by piloting and institutionalising innovative mechanisms, including post-legislative scrutiny and corruption proofing of legislation. WFD Albania also works to improve parliament's cooperation with independent institutions.

In addition, WFD Albania focuses on developing and improving political parties' internal rules, processes and structures, and promoting young people's and women's participation in politics. WFD also fosters civil society engagement by encouraging public dialogue and advocating for legal reforms, such as improving gender equality and addressing violence against women in politics.

Political context

Albania officially opened the Accession Negotiations talks with the European Union in 2024, with a goal to achieve full membership by 2030. The country’s political context has been shaped by significant challenges and shifts in recent years, with the most notable change being the justice reform, which officially began with constitutional changes in 2016. In addition to the vetting process for judges and prosecutors, the establishment of the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) in 2019, has been instrumental in prosecuting high-level corruption and organized crime in the country. Albania’s economy has shown steady growth with a rate of 3.24% in 2023 and 2024. The main challenges related to democracy advancement are free and fair elections standards, high political polarisation, corruption and emigration. The next parliamentary elections will be held on 11 May 2025 and for the first time, diaspora will exercise the right to vote. 

Key areas of work

Strengthening parliamentary capacities to fight corruption

WFD works closely with the Albanian parliament to strengthen its capacities to conduct effective law-making to combat corruption. This includes piloting and institutionalisation of corruption proofing of legislation.

Advancing effective parliamentary oversight

WFD also supports the Parliament in improving effective oversight by responsible parliamentary working bodies through the piloting and institutionalisation of Post Legislative Scrutiny (PLS).

Enhancing collaboration between Parliament and independent institutions

With support from WFD, Parliament and independent institutions collaborate more effectively in sharing and acting on information and recommendations. This includes regular monitoring of annual reports from in the Parliament, consistent communication and implementation of recommendations.

Strengthening parliamentary engagement

WFD organises roundtables and workshops to improve Parliament's engagement with external stakeholders including civil society organisations and institutions.

Further democratisation of political parties

WFD collaborates with political parties to refine and improve their internal procedures and regulations, promoting an organisational culture that prioritises transparency.

Promoting inclusivity in political parties

WFD supports political parties in becoming more inclusive and accessible, with a focus of under-represented groups, particularly women and youth.

Supporting civil society organisations in holding political parties accountable

WFD helps civil society organisations to strengthen their influence over political parties by fostering dialogue aiming to further advance internal democracy and transparency.

Current programmes

Increased government accountability through a more responsive parliament

WFD works to strengthen Albania's democratic governance by strengthening Parliament’s law making and oversight functions. This is achieved through piloting and institutionalisation of two new instruments: post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) and corruption proofing of legislation. A key aspect of these efforts is supporting Parliament and independent institutions in improving communication, reporting and implementation of recommendations. 

WFD also fosters collaboration between Parliament, civil society, and other institutional stakeholders by partnering with local organisations to promote transparency and public engagement. Through the “Dialogue for Consensus” initiative, WFD facilitates constructive discussions between the Albanian Parliament and civil society, ensuring that citizens’ voices are actively integrated in the legislative process. Additionally, WFD supports the Parliamentary Youth Club in integrating young people's agenda and participation in parliamentary accountability.

Planned end date

Building electoral integrity and political party resilience

WFD works directly with political parties to help them become more resilient to malign and corrupt influences. This is achieved by  assisting political parties in becoming more inclusive, transparent and accountable, with effectively revised rules and supportive organisational culture that challenges prevailing negative attitudes towards vulnerable or under-represented groups.

WFD provides tailored recommendations to political parties to enhance their transparency to their members and the public. Additionally, WFD is expanding the capacities of under-represented groups,  particularly women and young people, to engage more  meaningfully in their political parties while also supporting civil society in creating external demand for changes within the parties.

Planned end date

Completed programmes

CSO's participation in decision making in Albania

Start date
Planned end date

Assessing new voices and alternatives in Albania

Start date
Planned end date

Supporting inclusive elections

Start date
Planned end date

Accessibility of political parties

Start date
Planned end date

Selected key results


Approval of the PLS Methodology by the Parliament 

scales of justice

Approval of the PLS Report for the Law on Tourism, followed by two new laws currently undergoing post-legislative scrutiny.

scales of justice

Effective corruption-proofing recommendations were integrated into two crucial laws: the Law on Gambling and the Law on the State Police. 


The Dialogue for Consensus initiative fostered collaboration between MPs, improving law-making through dialogue and public transparency.


Assisted political parties in strengthening internal rules and procedures to combat malign and corrupt influences

Icon of hands holding together in circular path

Increased involvement and influence of women and young people within political party structures by enhancing their capacities.


Prepared evidence-based reports that led to two legislative initiatives aimed at enhancing political integrity and ensuring financial support for women in political structures.


Helped civil society make pressure on political parties for greater democracy, inclusion, and transparency through targeted communication campaigns across traditional, online, and social media.

Latest news

Contact us

Country director, Albania

Valbona Kuko

Street ''Themistokli Gërmenji'', 3rd Floor, Ap. 2