Women's access to right wing political parties in Albania

Women's access to right wing political parties in Albania

Women’s participation and representation in decision-making is increasing globally but those numbers are driven by mostly left-wing parties. Despite some improvements in the last years, the women’s underrepresentation in the right-wing parties in Albania remains a concern.
 Albania parliament

This research aims to assess the position and barriers that women and girls have within the right-wing political parties in Albania, to provide an overview of examples of the right-wing parties in other countries, and to provide recommendations for further steps necessary to guarantee gender equality in political parties in Albania and strengthening their structures.

The report sets out to answer the following research questions: 

  1. Why the right-wing parties elect fewer women?
  2. What is the influence and women’s political inclusion in the right-wing parties?
  3. Where do the right-wing women stand?
  4. Which are the gender dynamics of the right-wing parties?


To learn more, please read the full version of the report in English or Albanian.

Women’s access to right-wing parties in Albania

Women’s access to right-wing parties in Albania