WFD’s Youth Cross-Party Platform brings together young leaders in Albania

There are more young people in the world than ever before. This offers unprecedented opportunities for global growth, innovation, and creative advancement.
However, to fully realise these opportunities, young people must be well-represented in decision-making. Societies that focus on creating good outcomes for children and young people enjoy substantial benefits over the longer term.
In Albania, WFD is working to help improve political party accessibility. We do this by working with their youth wings and by generating research and evidence for improving the political and national discourse.
Between 27-28 May 2022, WFD brought together youth leaders from the main political parties in Albania, to participate in the Youth Cross-Paty Platform - a workshop to strengthen their leadership skills and knowledge. Held in the region of Gjirokastër, in the south of the country, 17 young leaders from the Socialist Party (SP), Democratic Party (DP) and Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI), participated in the activities.
The workshop helped participants to gain more insight and extend their knowledge on authentic leadership, communication, and debate skills. They discussed the role of youth in politics, democratic leadership, and the communication skills young leaders need, among other things.
During the two-day event, participants also had the unique opportunity to jointly agree on the main youth issues for the region of Gjirokastër, including preparing an official request to the Mayor of the Municipality of Gjirokastër and the chairman of the Municipal Council to monitor the work of the Council on topics such as youth policies, budget distribution, and education and innovation among others.
This was the first time youth leaders of the main political parties were placed at the same table and encouraged to engage with one another and work together in the region of Gjirokastër and was highly appreciated by participants.