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News, commentary, and stories from WFD
Orange day celebration in SL


To support post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) within the Parliament of Sierra Leone, WFD in partnership with Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALTs) University of London trained parliamentary staff and civil society representatives on innovative post-legislative scrutiny.
Participants issued certificate
WFD is supporting the Parliament of Sri Lanka as it adopts a more inclusive approach to policymaking. Through this work, WFD is helping to create accountable and inclusive policies and laws that benefit all Sri Lankans.
A collection of resources
One of the most common fears about AI is that it will lead to less human control over our lives. We have long had an answer to threats to our autonomy as individuals and societies – democracy. Those who serve democratic processes have a special responsibility to shape a democratic future in which to the greatest extent possible AI benefits, rather than harms, our societies.
A delegation from the National Parliament of Solomon Islands visited The Isle of Man's Parliament, helping foster long-term collaboration. The visit, facilitated by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), aimed to enhance financial oversight capabilities and build lasting connections between the parliaments.
A group photo of the delegation participating in the event
The rapid and deep system transformation can be disruptive for some people, so we need to focus on inclusion and equity to increase ambition rather than resistance to change.
People walking through brown flood waters
Sex-based equality as a conflict and violence prevention strategy
Abstract flowers on blue background
Joint submission by WFD and POPVOX Foundation in response to the call for evidence for the post-legislative scrutiny inquiry of the UK Lobbying Act 2014.
In response to a series of citizen concerns regarding the proper functioning of laws, in December 2010 the Department of Evaluation of the Law/OECD was created in the Chamber of Deputies of Chile.
Realising international environmental treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement requires the translation of these commitments into domestic laws and regulations by democratic means. WFD Morocco and Lebanon supported democratic oversight of climate legislation.
an illustration of a blue and green globe with trees and wind turbines on it
Recently, activities took place in Sri Lanka to explore crucial matters of public debt oversight and the role of parliament in monitoring and ensuring transparency in debt management practices.
group of people smiling at the camera
WFD supported the parliament and the government in the preparation of its climate law through an unprecedented process of transparent, public consultation.
A woman speaks into a microphone at a panel event. In the background are an image of mountains and Georgian flags
With half of the world’s population aged under 30, the survival and flourishing of democracy is highly dependent on the engagement of young people. WFD is working with the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Oslo Centre to support 40 young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa to reach their changemaking potential.
Young leaders in Uganda in the Ugandan Parliament lifting hands up
WFD has worked with the Parliament of Indonesia to raise the ambition of the country's climate action.
Indonesian MPs at the Green Economy White Paper Launch
It is still common for disinformation about Ukraine and the war in Ukraine to make its way into Western media. So what should Western countries be doing to break this cycle and counter false narratives about the war in Ukraine? We asked some Ukrainian experts about what has worked in Ukraine and what other countries can learn from their experience.
Flag of Ukraine flying against a clear blue sky
Alongside the programmes we directly implement, WFD supports the international work of UK political parties, including the Labour Party, which is working to support women’s leadership in Africa and the Middle East.
Group photo