Tash started her career in the UK civil service, working first with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) – to develop Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) capability for counter-proliferation, counterterrorism and sanctions monitoring purposes – and next with the MoD’s jHub team, a unit focused on accessing cutting edge technologies through rapid user led procurement programmes. She was then promoted to be the organisation’s first Chief Operating Officer and led the team’s development from 10 people to over 50 people, overseeing over 40 innovation projects with operational forces across the world. During this time, she spent four months with Google’s X organisation in California, where she worked alongside some of the best innovators in the world.
Latterly, Tash has served as the COO, and then interim CEO, of a climate-tech software start-up, leading it through a significant period of leadership transition and growth. Most recently she has been Chief Operating Officer of an organisation that builds and invests in national security tech startups.
Tash has a master's degree in Global Crime, Justice, and Security from the University of Edinburgh, and is currently completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL).