Rafael Jimenez Aybar

Rafael Jimenez Aybar
Practice Lead – Environmental Democracy

Rafael Jiménez Aybar is WFD's Environmental Democracy Practice Lead. Rafa ensures that project design and delivery are informed by environmental democracy principles and aligned with the attainment of multilateral environmental and climate objectives by our partner countries. 

Rafa has 20 years of experience supporting parliamentarians worldwide to advance inclusive, science-based environmental governance. As part of the International Secretariat of GLOBE, the first environmental parliamentary association, he led the formulation and delivery of numerous demand-driven, capacity-building interventions, facilitating from locally-led policy development support  to the exchange of best legislative practices, in collaboration with the national government agencies and civil society of the beneficiary countries, multilateral organisations and donors including the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and knowledge partners such as the LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources. 

He has worked on climate change mitigation, including clean energy and energy efficiency; ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk-reduction; marine and terrestrial biodiversity governance including fisheries, forests and drylands; environmental economic accounting and the natural capital approach inter alia, while promoting policy coherence and convergence for the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.  

At WFD he has supported teams in Algeria, The Gambia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, The Maldives, Morocco, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zambia to integrate environmental and climate issues in programmes with other primary objectives, as well as designing and implementing holistic programmes with blended democracy strengthening and environmental objectives.