Nazley has 13 years of experience in politics and 8 years of experience holding public office in Government. Currently, Nazley Sharif is a Member of Parliament in the Republic of South Africa, focusing on gender, specifically gender-based violence, issue driving on the inclusion of all groups and, as an opposition MP, holding the Executive to account.
Nazley has held office in opposition and in Government, she has worked in the gender space since taking office and has worked with various women and youth organisations, NGO's and stakeholders through public participation.
Nazley has held various political leadership positions in different structures of her political party and has excellent knowledge in growing and managing political structures, working in elections and policy analysis.
Nazley Sharif holds a postgraduate Honours degree in political studies from the University of the Witswatersrand as well as completing the Public Management Course at Georgia State University in 2021.
Nazley has also recently launched Safe Space RSA NGO that aims to provide and create safe spaces for womxn and members of the LGBTIQA+ community that continue to be victims of violence and abuse. Nazley is committed to ensuring that we cultivate a society that is inclusive, fair and equal for all people.
Upon completion of the African Leadership Network, Women in Leadership Program, Nazley Sharif plans to expand her experience, knowledge and influence in Government, working with World Leaders and organisations to ensure a more just society.