Mame Gueye Diop, better known as Yamame, is a political official in Cambérène (local authority of the city of Dakar), member of the APR party since 2008 and a candidate for the municipal elections of January 2022.
A computer engineer scientist, Yamame, has more than ten years of experience at the General Directorate of Taxes and Domains (DGID); she held the position of Director of IT and Information System of of Fonds de Garantie des Investissements Prioritaires (FONGIP) from 2021 to 2022.
Very concerned about local development issues, Mame is one of the first young Senegalese leaders of the Program for Young Politicians in Africa (PYPA).
Her commitment has earned her several positions of responsibility. She has served as: former General Secretary of the UCAD Layenne Student Association; former president of the female youth of the COJER NATIONALE; former communication officer of COJER NATIONALE; Secretary General of Farlu ci Diiné Ji/Layenne Community; President of ASC JAPPO; President of the female section of the ODCAV of Dakar; President of the Municipal Youth Council of Cambérène; Coordinator of the republican executives of Cambérène (CCR).
On July 31, 2022, Yamame was elected MP on the national list of Benno Book Yaakaar (BBY).