Malungo is currently the First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia. She was elected to this portfolio in September 2021. She is the auxiliary presiding officer supporting the Hon Madam Speaker who is responsible for fair and impartial maintenance of order and decorum in the House. She is the Chairperson of the Committee on Privileges and Absences, whose mandate includes examining privileges and immunities for members. Hon Chisangano is also the Vice Chairperson of the House Business Committee that determines the business to be considered by the House and other matters referred to it by the House.
During the Twelfth National Assembly, Hon Chisangano was a Member of Parliament for Gwembe Constituency. During this time, she served on the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, as well as the Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services. She is also very active in supporting women caucuses.
Prior to joining the Legislature, Hon Chisangano worked in areas of project planning, designing, implementation and monitoring. She has managed projects under various international organisations, such as the Catholic Relief Services, CARE International, and Concern Worldwide. She is an expert in Public Health, with a master’s degree in the same.
Hon Chisangano also has great experience in thematic areas of sustainable community health, primary health care, HIV/AIDS, child health, nutrition development, sexual reproductive and public health programmes. Between 1987 and 1990 she was in charge of nine clinics and two mine hospitals while working as a nutritionist for the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), Mufulira Division.