Esther Jailosi Jolobala is the seventh child in a family of eleven, born in the poorest family of one of the rural areas in Malawi. She is the first female Member of Parliament to be elected for the area after 50 years of independence in 2014. Esther is serving her second term in Parliament. She is a Christian representing an area highly dominated by Muslims. In and outside Parliament, Esther contributed a lot in the fight against the killings and kidnapping of persons with albinism hence her appointment as an ambassador for persons with albinism in 2016. According to her interest to continue be in politics comes from deep down in her heart and she takes it as a career as no one asked her to do so. Esther has managed to change the political landscape in her area and initiated a lot of development.
She has been fighting and is still fighting different battles to claim her political space. In her party Esther serves as a National Campaign Director. Some of her constituents call her HELPER and role model. Esther would like to see more women and young people claiming their space in the political arena as well as in other jurisdictions.