Dr Magdalena Randall-Schab
Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Lead

Dr Magdalena Randall-Schab is WFD’s Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Lead and puts gender equality and inclusion at the heart of her work. She recently authored WFD’s framework paper on the principles of engaging in fragile and conflict affected settings. She has built her expertise on extensive academic research, including on comprador elites in Afghanistan and state building efforts of Chechnya. She draws on her near 15 years’ of programme management experience gained in organisations ranging from UNDP, UN Women UK and NGOs in fragile and transitioning countries, while leading WFD’s efforts to make its programmes more conflict-responsive. She has also worked on programme delivery at WFD for the past six years.
This framework presents principles and approaches to underpin WFD’s programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, offering a guidance for WFD’s staff and partners.
Read the full report