Catherine Maria Jacobs was born in 1983 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Her involvement in politics and activism started 13 years ago when she became a member of the Democratic Alliance party. She was initially elected as an interim branch chairperson within the Drakenstein constituency and in 2020, was elected again as the branch chairperson for her ward. She also serves as a member on the Drakenstein constituency executive committee.
Catherine completed the IFLRY female leadership programme in 2020. Within her structures she offers leadership training and motivates others to partake as well.
Catherine is currently an aspirant candidate for South Africa’s upcoming municipal elections. She is passionate about developing communities because she believes that every person should have equal opportunities to grow and be successful, to become sustainable and have safe, healthy societies.
Her aspirations include being a leader who makes people feel safe so they can entrust her with their concerns; implementing systems to improve the quality of life for all; educating communities so they are well informed to make good decisions; ending poverty within communities by assessing the local economy and driving opportunities for positive economic growth; and encouraging everyone to participate in the development and building of their community.