Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

WFD is implementing a programme to support and enhance accountable democratic governance in Solomon Islands.
The exterior of the national parliament of the Solomon Islands
30 March 2023

UK Government

UK Government and Union Flag logo


The Solomon Islands is a micro-island nation with a population of around 700,000 spread over six main islands and more than 900 smaller ones. The nation has been self-governing since 1976 and has a Westminster-style political system. One key feature of this system is that members of parliament from all parties form committees, which scrutinise government actions – from new laws to public debt management. This is one way in which accountability and transparency can be upheld in a democracy. 
In 2024, the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission introduced a joint election in which the National General election, the Provincial Election, and the Honiara City Council Election were held on the same day. Voters cast two ballot papers, one for the National Parliament and the other for the Provincial Seat or the Honiara City Council Seat. In the 2024 National General Election, 10 parties secured seats in the 50-member parliament.

UK – Solomon Islands Parliamentary Partnership

WFD has been working in the Solomon Islands since November 2022 with the aim of supporting enhanced accountability and transparency systems in the country, with a focus on parliamentary practice. 
The inception phase of WFD programming in the country (November 2022 – May 2023) developed a common agreement oof the opportunities to strengthen accountability and transparency systems in the Solomon Islands. This included developing a robust evidence base to identify priorities for programming through ongoing consultation, a political economy analysis (PEA), and pilot activities, deepening understanding of the challenges around accountability, and testing approaches. 

Following the inception phase, WFD works in partnership with the National Parliament of the Solomon Islands (NPSI) to strengthen parliamentary policies, practices, and processes. The programme focuses on supporting the continuing professional development of the NPSI secretariat/staff and the members of the 12th Parliament. 

Programme achievements

a blue icon with an illustration of parliament building in background and a speaker addressing a group of MPs with a speaker

Increasing the NPSI secretariat’s understanding of effective ways of working as a small parliament.    

A blue color icon with a group of people focused on one goal

The co-development of an MP / parliament orientation session with parliamentary staff and active/interested MPs, complementing the wider NPSI Induction Programme

A blue icon with an illustration of globe in the middle with illustration of people connected on all four directions

Increasingly connecting NPSI staff, leadership and MPs with UK counterparts through discussions and peer-to-peer meetings, facilitated online

Key results

A blue icon of a person with a star above the head indicating confidence

Increased confidence and capacity among parliamentary staff who have participated in our programme

An icon of a hand with a lightbulb above

Better understanding among staff members of how a small parliament functions and the important roles they can play in supporting the MPs of the 12th Parliament, particularly in relation to committee work

An icon of two people joining hands with a light bulb above them

WFD-facilitation of a continually strengthening MoU partnership between the NPSI and the Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man.  Both parliaments have committed to monthly online learning exchange sessions, direct peer-to-peer communication between counterparts, particularly clerks, and ongoing active engagement with WFD programming