WFD supports Nepal in implementing the reforms promised under the Nepalese Constitution, including the devolution process. These reforms are intended to bring about better services for citizens, a more equal distribution of resources among the regions, greater levels of gender equality, and the inclusion of all Nepalis and their representatives in decision-making processes.
Current programmes
Improving accountability through more robust parliamentary scrutiny of government performance
Increased recognition of the rights and fundamental role of women and under-represented groups
Selected Key Results
Collaborated with federal parliament to introduce post-legislative scrutiny (PLS), which led to the assessment of seven different laws.
Worked with first time women MPs from marginalised group, focusing on their efforts to make their work more visible and challenge patriarchal norms

Supportred efforts to conduct, monitor and disseminate research on cases of online violence against women political activists in Nepal.

Supported factcheckers to address electoral misinformation and disinformation.