Parliamentary Financial Oversight
WFD, in partnership with UNICEF, worked to improve the management of public money through improving the institutional capacity of the Mozambique Parliament to provide comprehensive, accurate, and timely budgetary information to parliamentarians and parliamentary committees.
In 2016, WFD supported the set-up of the Unit of Economic, Financial and Budget Studies (UEEFO), based on the concept of a Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) – an independent institution to provide neutral economic advice. UEEFO, as part of the Technical Cabinet, enabled data and analysis on the budget to be communicated more effectively. Better Government spending monitoring by parliaments can reduce corruption and ensure money is spent as the public intends.
Connecting with the WFD network of PBOs and UK expertise exposed UEEFO to international best practice of economic analysis for parliaments. Development of test products, enhanced communications and sustainable vision helped embed the services within the Mozambique Parliament. Materials to train and share best practice with MPs and staff were also developed.