In Morocco, women's voices in political affairs are under-represented and even when elected, parliamentary practices are structured in such a way as to prevent women MPs from gaining influence. Electoral regulations impose reserved seats for a single term, while parliamentary communications and outreach generally focus on plenary sessions, where male MPs are much more visible.
This overshadows the in-depth and detailed work undertaken by committees and working groups where women have more opportunities and are more active. The Thematic Working Group on Equality and Equity, established in 2011 to undertake studies and evaluate laws and policies from a gender perspective, provides a platform for women MPs to make meaningful contributions. However, as an ad hoc committee, it has no oversight or legislative function, which limits its role and impact.
Programme objectives
The objective of this 12-month programme is to strengthen women's voice, participation, effective influence, and recognised role in political decision-making in the Moroccan Parliament.
Programme activities
The programme will work to achieve its objectives by:
- Offering training to women MPs to help build their skills, for example in communications and building effective alliances. Recently, for example, WFD carried out training using its ABLE (Alliances, Liaison, Lobbying, Education) toolkit. The 2-day training, focused on building alliances and bridges as a key skill;
Facilitating a peer-to-peer learning exchange scheme engaging MPs from the UK, Canada and/or the MENA region to share their experiences;
Supporting the Thematic Working Group on Parity and Equity to develop its workplan.

Launching the programme
On March 8 2022, to celebrate International Women's Day, WFD Morocco launched its new project with the House of Representatives: "Strengthening Women’s Essential Role in Political Decision-Making within the Moroccan Parliament through Individual and working Group Mandates" with the support of the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).
We were honored by the participation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Ambassador of Canada in Morocco, the Ambassador of the UK in Morocco, British MP and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Dame Eleanor Laing, and WFD Chief Executive, Anthony Smith. The Speaker of the House of Representatives expressed his readiness to support women MPs in Parliament and to dedicate more attention to women’s issues and support all initiatives that would push the strengthening of women leaders in society and institutions, especially those who are elected.

The launch of the new project was followed by a 2-day workshop for women MPs on women's leadership at the Parliament highlighting the continuation of the strong partnership between the House of Representatives and WFD Morocco active since 2011.
More than 60 of the sitting 95 women MPs attended the launch event. Regardless of their diverse political affiliations, the participants expressed their willingness and commitment to promote gender equality and work together on common issues. They were particularly inspired by the speech of the Deputy Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Dame Eleanor Laing MP, who shared her journey as a female MP and commitment to make a change within Parliament and in her constituency. As most of the women MPs are newly elected, they requested WFD’s support to provide them with technical information and trainings in media communications and other thematic areas that will help them fulfil their roles and gain visibility inside and outside Parliament.