Sexual and gender equality: moving beyond myths and fears in policy discussions

Sexual and gender equality: moving beyond myths and fears in policy discussions

This briefing for parliamentarians and policymakers is a resource for informed parliamentary debates on sexual and gender equality. It provides an overview of terminology around LGBT+ persons and their rights. It addresses common myths and arguments used by policymakers and in parliamentary equality debates to maintain the status quo when it comes to criminalisation, access to education, employment, and healthcare as well as other barriers to full the political and socio-economic inclusion of LGBT+ persons.
The front cover of the briefing sexual and gender equality: moving beyond myths and fears in policy discussions

Shaun Martinez


The global situation for LGBTIQ+ people, though improving, still has a considerable way to go before full equality is reached. Momentum over the last ten years to recognise and protect the human rights of everyone has grown. Parliaments alongside courts have played a substantial role in turning the tide on discrimination and violence. There is still much to do. The LGBTIQ+ community is as diverse as any other. Defining another’s identity is a polemic and complex issue. The continued lack of legal recognition, criminalisation and a lack of protections remain as poignant reminders that society in general and policy makers in specific need to move past the complexities and see the human in human rights. Engaging with LGBTIQ+ communities is paramount if long-lasting positive change is to happen.

This briefing for parliamentarians and policymakers is a resource for informed parliamentary debates on sexual and gender equality. It provides an overview of terminology around LGBT+ persons and their rights. It addresses common myths and arguments used by policymakers and in parliamentary equality debates to maintain the status quo when it comes to criminalisation, access to education, employment, and healthcare as well as other barriers to full the political and socio-economic inclusion of LGBT+ persons.  

Watch the launch event

WFD hosted a virtual event on International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2020 to launch this resource.

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