Post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation

Post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation

The present document identifies the role of gender-specific legislation for achieving gender equality and the potential contribution of post-legislative scrutiny for de facto gender equality. It focuses on important elements of a ‘good’ post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation and concludes with learning points for Parliamentary Committees.

Maria Mousmouti


The case study titled ‘Post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation’ examines the role of gender-sensitive post-legislative scrutiny in achieving gender equality through gender-specific laws.

The present document identifies the role of gender-specific legislation for achieving gender equality and the potential contribution of post-legislative scrutiny for de facto gender equality. It focuses on important elements of a ‘good’ post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation and concludes with learning points for Parliamentary Committees.

The case study is part of a broader project of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy on gender analysis and post-legislative scrutiny. The project includes several deliverables that are complementary to the present document and address different aspects of the topic. These are: a policy brief on gender-sensitive post-legislative scrutiny; a case study on gender-sensitive post-legislative scrutiny of general legislation and a case study on data and gender-sensitive post-legislative scrutiny.