Insufficient funds for youth policies amidst decrease of youth population in North Macedonia – shows research

Insufficient funds for youth policies amidst decrease of youth population in North Macedonia – shows research

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in North Macedonia supported the development of two analyses on youth and youth policies followed by a panel discussion with representatives from institutions and the youth sector.
Research cover

The findings of the 'Youth and Census' analysis indicate that the number of young people, 15 to 29 years old, in the country is decreasing significantly, the population is aging with 6% fewer young people compared to the 2002 census. In other words, in 2002, 24% of the population were young, while in 2021 – 18% of the population are young. Although there is a drop in youth unemployment, which according to the last census is 28%, this rate is still 15% higher than the one in the European Union.

The analysis "Financing of youth participation and policies" shows that although the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies adopted in 2020 prescribes the allocation of 0.3% of the budget at the national level and 0.1% of the budget at the local level for youth - for the institutions it is still unclear what is meant by this. For those reasons, it is not possible to determine exactly how much is allocated to youth policies. The largest part of the state budget for youth is allocated to the Agency for Youth and Sports, but only 4%-5% is spent on the youth program, as opposed to the sports program. This law provides for the establishment of youth centers in all municipalities by 2025 at the latest, and currently only in 8 municipalities young people have access to a youth center.

The state must start treating youth policies as an essential and strategic priority of the state, and more importantly – to create strategies for long-term dealing with demographic changes in the state and their effects, according to the recommendations of the analysis.