Seeking web development services

Request for Quotes
WFD is seeking website development and maintenance services to maintain and improve its website, which is built using a custom CMS. Quotes are also invited for rebuilding the site in WordPress or Drupal.
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (“WFD”) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.
We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers:
- Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues;
- High quality and impactful programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies; and
- International elections observation on behalf of the UK.
Aim of this Request for Quotes
WFD is issuing this Request for Quotes (“RFQ”) to a range of potential suppliers of goods and/or services and would welcome a proposal or quote from you/your organisation.
WFD is seeking two quotes:
Maintain and develop current site: To provide website maintenance and development services for using the existing custom CMS, to ensure it continues to function well, is secure, and can accommodate new cost of politics reports and other new features, including a blog.
Rebuild site in Drupal or WordPress: To rebuild the website in either Drupal or WordPress CMS and provide maintenance and development services to the new site.
Quote submission
All proposals or quotes should be submitted by Tuesday 25 June, 9.00 am UK time in writing and include:
- The supplier’s name, status, company number, and registered office address
- An overview of the supplier’s relevant experience, expertise, capability and capacity
- A description of the good(s) or service(s) to be provided and clear explanation as to how this meets the specification in this RFQ, including a suggested implementation plan.
- An indication of the service level agreement, such as expected response times, where relevant.
- A transparent quotation of the charge for the good(s) or service(s), in local currency, to include: a clear breakdown of all costs related to part 1 of this request for quotes; a clear breakdown of all costs related to part 2 of this request for quotes; any proposed discount applied for WFD as a not-for-profit organisation; and a separate identification of any VAT charges (and/or any other applicable tax, excise or other charges).
The proposal or quote should be sent electronically and addressed to: Stephanie Le Lievre at Please include Cost of politics website in the subject line.
The same email address should be used for any questions related to this RFQ.
WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies are found at and you can find a copy of WFD’s Code of Conduct at
Detailed Specification
The cost of politics is how much it costs to run for office and the funds you need to maintain that office. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)’s cost of politics project is investigating the cost of politics across different countries. is the online home for all our research on the cost of politics. Since the website was created in 2021, the project has expanded to cover new regions. WFD also intends to capitalise on increased interest in the topic and share further insight and analysis through a new blog section for the website.
We are seeking quotes from a provider to:
Either (Part 1 of this request for quotes)
- Ensure the website is secure and functions well, dealing with any bugs.
- Ensure the website can accommodate new reports and – where necessary – new project partners (including changing the logo in the footer).
- Design and build a new blog section of the website using the custom CMS.
- Provide ongoing maintenance support for the site until March 2027, with development services as required provided on a day rate basis.
Or (Part 2 of this request for quotes)
- Rebuild the website in WordPress or Drupal, ensuring that the rebuilt site is secure, functions well, and resolves any issues or bugs on the existing site.
- Ensure the new site can accommodate new reports and – where necessary – new project partners
- Design and build a new blog section of the website.
- Provide ongoing maintenance support for the site until March 2027, including any version upgrades (known and unknown) with development services provided on a day rate basis.
We intend the services to begin on Monday 1 July, with the development services complete by Wednesday 30 July, when ongoing maintenance services would begin. Bidders should provide a draft implementation plan.
During the period of design and development services, the provider should report on progress to WFD weekly on Fridays. During the maintenance services period thereafter, the provider should report to WFD monthly.
Working arrangements
WFD will be available for regular calls to brief the provider and receive updates.
Payment for the development services will be after the satisfactory delivery of the design and development services. Ongoing maintenance should be billed quarterly.
WFD, General Terms and Conditions for Quoting
WFD does not warrant or represent that any Request for Quotes (RFQ) is free of errors and omissions.
The supplier or consultant warrants that the information provided in any proposal or quote is, to the best of its knowledge, true and accurate.
WFD shall not be liable for any costs incurred by a supplier in responding to the RFQ.
All information contained within an RFQ is confidential and must not be communicated to third parties, other than those participating in a consortium, without the written consent of WFD.
All information received from the supplier or consultant in response to an RFQ will be treated as confidential and will not be distributed without prior written consent outside WFD or its partners, save as required by applicable law or donor requirements.
Evaluation of proposals/quotes
Value for Money is an essential requirement of all WFD commissioned work. All suppliers or consultants must be able to demonstrate, in their proposal or quote, that they are seeking to maximise results, whilst driving cost efficiency. This includes budgeting and pricing realistically. Further, WFD expects suppliers to demonstrate openness and honesty, and to be realistic about capacity and capability, at all times.
WFD reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, not to contract with the supplier or consultant who submits the lowest value proposal or quote or to accept part of any proposal or quote, and WFD shall have no liability (in contract, tort or otherwise) to consider any proposal or quote. Further, WFD reserves the right to award the contract for which proposals or quotes are being requested in whole, or in part, or not at all.
Ethical procurement
All WFD procurement activities must be ethical. Accordingly, WFD’s due diligence checks on suppliers and consultants may include reference checks, a supplier questionnaire, and anti-terrorism vetting. In the event that any unethical practices come to light, the supplier will be required to take remedial steps in consultation with WFD. WFD also reserves the right not to proceed with the contract
All contracts to be entered into by WFD will include obligations on the supplier or consultant to comply with WFD’s Code of Conduct and policy principles on key matters such as safeguarding, bribery and corruption, fraud and theft, anti-terrorism, and reporting concerns (including whistleblowing).
The supplier or consultant will be expected to disclose any known conflict of interest relating to relevant staff and any RFQ and/or if they have been employed by the Crown in the proceeding two-year period.
WFD will process any personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy and applicable law.