ITT for WFD PAR approach

Vacancy - supplier

ITT for WFD PAR approach

WFD is looking to procure the services of a supplier to support WFD with Participatory Action Research (PAR) training and the development of a WFD PAR approach.

Invitation to Tender


WFD is looking to procure the services of a supplier to support WFD with Participatory Action Research (PAR) training and the development of a WFD PAR approach. 

The selected service provider(s) will be offered a framework agreement running up until 31st March 2027.


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (“WFD”) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.

We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers: 

  • High quality and impactful regional and country programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies; 
  • Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform UK policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues through our Centre of Expertise; and 
  • International elections observation on behalf of the UK. 

Aim of this Invitation to Tender 

WFD is issuing this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) to a range of potential suppliers of goods and/or services and would welcome a bid from your organisation.

WFD is looking to establish a framework until 31st March 2027 consisting of one or more supplier(s) to help strengthen Participatory Action Research approaches at WFD and mainstream them across the organisation.

The type of services we would like to procure include:

  • PAR training to WFD staff encluding introducing PAR conceptually and theoretically, training on PAR practical methodologies and how to develop overarching research questions.
  • Research accompaniment to WFD and individual programme teams
  • Co-designing learning questions and plans for PAR with WFD staff
  • Co-developing PAR case studies 
  • Contributing to a WFD PAR implementation approach/guide with an ongoing learning plan

Bid submission

All bids should be submitted by 11:59pm on Sunday 3rd November in writing, must comply with the requirements of this ITT, and must include the information requested in the Bid Requirements below. 

The bid should be sent electronically and addressed to: Cecillia Makonyola at

The same email address should be used for any questions related to this ITT. 

By submitting a bid, you agree to comply with WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies, which are found here, and WFD’s Code of Conduct

Detailed Specification


The objectives for the services to be provided by the supplier(s) include:

  • Strengthened organisational understanding of PAR 
  • Resources and signposts for PAR learning available to staff
  • Integration of PAR into programmes and programme design 
  • Improved evidence for transformative programming work

Scope of work and Deliverables

The type of deliverables we would like to procure include:

  • Immersive PAR training to WFD staff engaged in transformative programming including introducing PAR conceptually and theoretically, training on PAR practical methodologies and how to develop overarching research questions.
  • Co-designing learning questions and plans for PAR with WFD staff
  • Supporting the development of PAR case studies 
  • Supporting the development of a WFD PAR implementation approach/guide with an ongoing learning plan
  • Accompanying teams in PAR research initiatives where needed


The framework is expected to be established on or before 1 December 2024 and will expire on 31 March 2027.

Assignments may be commissioned under order contracts agreed with the supplier(s) from time to time during the term of the framework. 

The value of assignments will depend on the enquiries and identified response options. 

Please note, WFD cannot guarantee work under the framework agreement, or that enquiries will not be less than or exceed the indicated average number of days. 


The supplier(s) will report to WFD at an interval(s) usually to be agreed upon as part of the order contract. 

Working arrangements

The services are expected to be delivered remotely or in-person. Travel will be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation between WFD and the Supplier. Where travel is determined as required by WFD to deliver the services, the supplier(s) will prepare a budget as part of the order contract for WFD approval. 

Where relevant, approved expenses should be broken down and detailed in invoices alongside experts’ fees / daily rates.  


The supplier(s) will be expected, as part of the bid, to confirm a daily rate for the provision of the services throughout the term of the framework. The fee for each assignment will be agreed as part of the relevant order contract.   

Minimum experience and expertise

  • At least 10 years' experience directly training on Participatory Action Research with public sector or non-profit organisations
  • Demonstrable experience working with multistakeholder coalitions across civil society architecture, including grassroots, funders, and government
  • Experience working with democracy support organisations and within democracy and governance programming
  • Knowledge and understanding of current democratic challenges and debates, civic space, and the role of transnational movements
  • Deep understanding of gender and conflict transformative approaches including intersectional feminist methodologies and practices
  • High degree of cultural competence and ability to adapt approaches to be culturally relevant and responsive
  • Experience with conflict management approaches and understanding of Trauma Informed methods 
  • Experience working in Fragile and Conflicted Affected States and understanding of Women, Peace and Security agenda
  • Experience facilitating systems change approaches within participatory strategy development processes
  • Excellent analytical, research and writing skills
  • Commitment to gender transformative change
  • Experience working collaboratively and within diverse, often globally dispersed, teams

Bid process


Below is the proposed timescale for the tendering process. Please note the dates are indicative and subject to change. 

Issue ITT 18/10/2024
Closing date for receipt of supplier questions in relation to this IYY 28/10/2024
Closing date for receipt of completed tender proposals 03/11/2024
Shortlisting of bids 04/11/2024
Supplier interviews/ presentations to tender committee (if applicable) w/c 11th November
WFD announces preferred supplier w/c 18th November
Contract finalised and signed w/c 25th November

Bid requirements

In general, the bid should include the following:

  1. Organisational profile
  2. Proposed solution and how it meets the specification 
  3. Financial proposal 
  4. References 
  5. Confirmation of compliance with General Terms and Conditions of Tendering
Organisational profile:
  • Company profile, including brief history and financial overview
  • Case studies/credentials demonstrating relevant experience and skills profile
  • Names and brief biographies of key staff 

WFD is particularly keen to receive bids from organisations which are – or are working towards becoming – living wage employers and that have a broadly representative and balanced Board from gender and ethnicity perspectives. 

Proposed solution: 
  • Clear explanation as to the proposed approach to meeting the specification set out in this ITT. 
  • Detailed project plan, including timelines, assumptions and dependencies, resourcing and risks. 
Financial proposal: 
  • Full breakdown costings for the proposed solution in GBP sterling
  • Separate accounting of VAT and/or any other applicable tax, duty, or charge. 
  • Detailing of any discount applied in view of WFD’s not-for-profit status. 
  • The bid should include details of two references relating to similar goods/services provided in the last three years. Please note – referees will only be contacted once Preferred Bidder status is assigned.

Confirmation of acceptance of General Terms and Conditions of Tendering 

  • All bidders will be deemed to have accepted the WFD Terms and Conditions of Tendering and confirmed their compliance.

All bidders should also note the following: 

  • all bids should be submitted in English; 
  • all bids should be submitted in electronic form only;
  • this ITT and the response may be incorporated in whole or in part into the final contract;
  • only information provided in response to questions set out in this documentation will be taken into consideration for the purposes of evaluating the ITT;
  • bids which are poorly organised or poorly written, such that evaluation and comparison with other submissions is notably difficult, may exclude the bidder from further consideration; and
  • any bids which do not fully comply with the requirements of this ITT may be disregarded at the absolute discretion of WFD.

Evaluation criteria

WFD does not provide a mathematical formula by which bids will be weighted and evaluated, but the procurement committee will usually consider the following criteria, among others in the evaluation of all responses: 

  • Quality of bid document 
  • Service offer and solution fit to specification 
  • Quality, capacity, and track-record of bidders based on references
  • Value for money and pricing factors
  • Professional profile, track record, and references
  • Relevant experience, including case studies

WFD will score each criterion using the following table:

0 The proposal submitted omits and fundamentally fails to meet WFD’s scope and specifications. Insufficient evidence to support the proposal to allow WFD to evaluate. Not Answered. 
1 The information submitted has a severe lack of evidence to demonstrate that WFD’s scope and specifications can be met. Significant omissions, serious and/or many concerns. Poor.
2 The information submitted has some minor omissions in respect of WFD's scope and specifications. The tender satisfies the basic requirements in some respects but is unsatisfactory in other respects and raises some concerns. Satisfactory.  
3 The information submitted provides some good evidence to meet the WFD’s scope and specifications and is satisfactory in most respects and there are few concerns. Good. 
4 The information submitted provides good evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met. Full and robust response, any concerns are addressed so that the proposal gives confidence. Very Good.
5 The information submitted provides strong evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met and the proposal exceeds expectation i.e. exemplary in the industry. Provides full confidence and no concerns. Outstanding.

Tender Queries

Any questions related to this tender should be addressed to

Equal Information

Should any supplier raise a question that is of general interest, WFD reserves the right to circulate both question and answer to other respondents, either via WFD’s website or by email. In this event, anonymity will be maintained.

Annual reports

Please provide a link or copy of your company’s latest audited annual accounts with the bid.

Other information

If the potential supplier believes that there is additional information that has not been requested in the ITT but is relevant to your bid, please include that information as a separate attachment and explain its relevance to this ITT.