Terms of Reference: Leadership and programme management for complex environments

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK’s leading democracy support organisation.
WFD is a global team led by skilled practitioners from around the world. We work on ‘wicked’ problems related to governance and democracy in complex environments. Our work is challenging, and the diversity of expertise and knowledge across the global team are organisational strengths that contribute to our effectiveness and reputation for high quality programming and research.
At country level, WFD’s work is led by Country Directors/Representatives (CD/Rs) who oversee frontline delivery of the organisation’s activities, manage key stakeholder relationship, identify opportunities for partnership and growth and are responsible for programme quality and governance at the point of delivery. Many CD/Rs come from an advocacy background, often working as individuals or with smaller organisations. The shift from programme implementer to team leader can be significant, particularly for those managing multiple programming streams and/or complex outcomes.
Additionally, as a learning organisation, WFD’s global programme teams provide technical and contextual knowledge that influences our methodologies, policies, research agenda and operational structures. Much of this is led by CD/Rs.
To support CD/Rs in this important role, WFD is organising an in-person Leadership and Programme Management Summit in November 2024, at our London office. The five-day programme will include CD/Rs who have taken on their role in the last 18 months as well as colleagues from across the organisation. The agenda will be structured as a dialogue and exploration of effective leadership and programme management in complex settings.
Scope of work
WFD seeks an external expert on team leadership and facilitation to design and deliver modules within these themes as part of the overall programme. The expert will be asked to design an approach to learning and engagement that touches on the topics outlined below. These were identified through consultation on what areas CD/Rs want to explore most but is not meant to be prescriptive if the external expert recommends a different approach.
- Overall theme: Managing teams and building a team culture
- Planning, goal setting with/for a team and empowering individuals/teams to deliver
- Building the right team structures and defining roles and responsibilities
- Leading and motivating; trusting and delegating
- Managing difficult conversations
- Feedback and performance reviews and how to do both well
- Effective facilitation
- Your own mental and physical wellbeing
These topics are expected to comprise 2 days of a four-day programme (the fifth day is unscheduled time with regional teams). WFD will ensure the expert has time for consultation with relevant members of WFD’s People and Programmes Directorates so that they have the necessary information on policies, ways of working and contextual factors to help guide the expert’s approach to these topics.
The expert will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Conduct a brief consultation with key stakeholders within WFD to identify the approach to the learning topics that will be most effective.
- Design a 2-day learning and engagement programme that addresses these areas and aligns with WFD’s ways of working. This includes using approaches to learning and skills development in line with how adults learn, such as the use of liberating structures, problem solving and facilitation.
- Develop learning materials and resources for the defined learning topics in consultation with WFD’s Director of Policy and Programmes.
- Deliver in-person learning sessions during WFD’s Programmes Team Week, scheduled for 25-27 November.
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the learning programme.
The expert is expected to deliver the following:
- A short note outlining the findings from the consultation and recommended approach to learning.
- Relevant learning materials and timings/an agenda for the sessions they will deliver.
- A final report evaluating the effectiveness of the programme and any recommended actions or next steps.
The expert is expected to complete deliverables 1 and 2 no later than Monday, 11 November. Deliverable 3 should be submitted by Friday, 6 December.
The ideal candidate should have:
- Proven experience in designing and developing training programmes for senior management audiences.
- Experience and/or training in adult learning styles.
- Experience working with culturally diverse audiences, including experience working with non-UK audiences.
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Application process
Interested candidates are invited to submit their CVs and cover letters detailing their qualifications and experience related to this ToR, and a brief overview of their approach to meeting the above deliverables by Friday, 11 October to: Judith.Ephraim@wfd.org. Documents should include number of days required to deliver the scope of work, daily rate/cost breakdown and including any additional expenses expected in delivering.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Relevant qualifications and experience
- Understanding of the ToR
- Proposed approach to the project
- Value for money