Request for quotes

Vacancy - consultant

Request for quotes

WFD in Maldives is looking for expert(s)/firms/agencies to develop short videos for an e-course.
A person wearing grey shirt writing


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (“WFD”) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable. 

We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers:  

  • Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues; 
  • High quality and impactful programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies; and   
  • International elections observation on behalf of the UK.  

Quote submission 

All proposals or quotes should be submitted by 11 June 2024 in writing and include:  

  • The supplier’s name, status, company number, and registered office address  
  • An overview of the supplier’s relevant experience, expertise, capability and capacity 
  • A description of the good(s) or service(s) to be provided and clear explanation as to how this meets the specification in this RFQ 
  • A transparent quotation of the charge for the good(s) or service(s), to include: a clear breakdown of all costs; any proposed discount applied for WFD as a not-for-profit organisation; and a separate identification of any VAT charges (and/or any other applicable tax, excise or other charges).  

The proposal or quote should be sent electronically and addressed to: Aishath Hameeda at and cc-ed to  

The same email addresses should be used for any questions related to this RFQ.

Detailed Specification 


WFD (Westminster Foundation for Democracy) began working with the Majlis in July 2019. Enhancing operation of the then new parliamentary oversight committees and to strengthen parliamentary process and practices were the aims of that project, which concluded in March 2021. A new programme commenced in May 2021, aiming to deepen parliamentary committee strengthening, critically in areas such as National Security and Prevent of Violent Extremism, Decentralization, and Climate Change and Sustainable Development. 

Since 2021, WFD has been engaging with the People’s Majlis in various capacities such as enhancing parliamentarians’ capacity through study visits and supporting committee functions. With the appointment of the new MPs to the parliament in May 2024, WFD aims to conduct an induction training for the newly elected parliamentarians in partnership with the People’s Majlis. WFD is seeking the expertise of a supplier to develop videos on thematic areas.  


The Expert shall develop 10 videos of 2-3 minutes. The content of the videos will be provided by WFD. The videos should have the following requirements:  

  • Display the narrator on one side of the screen 
  • Include interactive animation and text where appropriate 
  • Provide translated subtitles of the English narration in Dhivehi 
  • Ensure compatibility for hosting online on WFD Learn (Moodle) 
  • Videos must comply with WFD’s or donors brand guidelines 

Expected work plan and project timeline 

Week 1  

Develop the concept/characters/designs for the videos and submit for WFD’s approval 

Translate the script of the video to Dhivehi and submit for WFD’s approval 

Week 2 

Record the videos of the experts on the thematic areas.  Some of the experts will be available in the Maldives for a duration of 2 days for in-person recordings and other arrangements must be made to record the videos of the experts based outside of Maldives.  

Week 3 

Submit a first draft of the video for comments 

Week 4 

Submit the final draft of the video for approval 


The duration of the work is 1 month, starting from late June 2024.  


The consultant will be expected to work closely with WFD Maldives Team  

Working arrangements 

The consultant will work remotely and closely with the WFD – Maldives Country Representative Aryj Hussain.  


Payment will be made after the satisfactory delivery of services.   

The quotation shall be in the currency of the Expert’s preferred accounts payable account’s currency.  


Experience in developing content on social issues and animated video production will be preferred.