Invitation to Tender

Please note: This page was updated on 7 January to include the questions and answers provided below.
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is publishing this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) in order to commission research services to conduct comprehensive needs-based assessments in each target country that the Women’s Academy for Africa (WAFA) works in, which is intended to inform the design of contextually relevant training modules for the programme. These assessments should help the programme to understand the specific socio-political and economic dynamics in each target country. WFD is looking for experienced researchers to observe, investigate, and report back on the needs of the different target countries to inform the design of future training modules that are contextually relevant and responsive to the challenges faced by women in politics. In addition, these assessments will ensure that future training content incorporates practical strategies and tools that can be applied effectively in the specific socio-political environments of the participants. This research is being commissioned for WFD’s Labour Party programme that has funded WAFA and is looking to understand the contextual challenges faced by women in target countries and identify their needs for future training. The research will start on 3 February and finish by 28 March 2025. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 15 January 2025 at 1pm (UK time).
WFD is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.
We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers:
- High quality and impactful regional and country programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies;
- Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform UK policymakers on a range of democratic governance issues through our Centre of Expertise; and
- International elections observation on behalf of the UK.
WAFA was founded in 2011 at a regional event in Tanzania by (male and female) representatives from 11 political parties and now representing nine countries in Africa: Botswana; Cameroon; Ghana; Mozambique; South Africa; Tanzania; Uganda; Zimbabwe and Nigeria. It is a regional network that seeks to improve the skills and confidence of women activists from social democratic, socialist and labour parties in Africa.
WAFA aims to change the face of politics and policy by identifying, educating and empowering women in Africa to engage actively in the political process both as voters, candidates, community organizers and activists who believe strongly in social democratic principles as pillars for progressive change. They are organised to provide political leadership training to encourage women to run for office, win elections, and make and influence policy.
WAFA’s training activities include a focus on sharing political fundraising skills, educating and empowering women in Africa to engage actively in the political process both as voters, candidates, community organisers and activists who believe strongly in social democratic principles as pillars for progressive change. Between 2021 and 2023, WAFA undertook a series of national workshops, delivered by local experts providing skills in fundraising. The purpose of these capacity building trainings was to strengthen capacity for WAFA leadership, increasing the number of women decision makers in WAFA and member parties and to improve fundraising skills for women in WAFA member parties. These trainings took place within the following countries in the central region of Africa: Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Congo Brazzaville, D.R. Congo, Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroon. In the southern region, trainings took place in: Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The trainings were delivered in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Often, a clear lack of access to resources for women and girls to stand for selection often represents the first hurdle to political candidacy. If there is no access to resources, then women are unable to compete within the local party to be selected as a candidate, therefore ensuring the status quo. WAFA recognise this is a sensitive subject given the myths around fundraising but nonetheless feel strongly that if this issue is not tackled then the leadership and political skills training is meaningless for some women, especially from the grassroots, who have little resources.
Aim of this ITT
WFD is issuing this ITT and we would welcome a proposal from you or your organisation.
Last year, WFD commissioned an evaluation of WAFA’s programme portfolio dating back to 2018 in order to understand the impact achieved to date and identify learning to inform and strengthen future approaches. It was a recommendation of the external evaluators for WFD to conduct a needs assessment in order to assess and understand the needs of women within the different target countries to help to design contextually relevant training modules.
WFD is looking for experienced researchers to observe, investigate, and report back on the needs of the different target countries in order to inform the design of future training modules that are contextually relevant and responsive to the challenges faced by women in politics. In addition, these assessments will ensure that future training content incorporates practical strategies and tools that can be applied effectively in the specific socio-political environments of the participants.
Purpose, scope and objectives
Purpose: The purpose of this research assignment is to conduct comprehensive needs assessments in each target country that WAFA operates in to develop a better understanding of the specific socio-political and economic dynamics of the different regions. The results of these needs assessments will allow for the careful design of contextually relevant training modules in order to ensure that WAFA’s work is helping its members with their relevant needs and making an impact and develop monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
Scope: The research assignment is intended to conduct needs assessments to cover the following countries: Botswana; Cameroon; Ghana; Kenya; Mozambique; South Africa; Tanzania; Uganda and Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Please note that we are happy to also revise the scope upon discussion with the selected researcher(s).
Objectives: The specific objectives of this research assignment are to:
- Understand the contextual challenges faced by women in politics in the WAFA target countries. This includes identifying key social, political and economic dynamics and barriers that the programme will need to take into account in order to be most effective in supporting women's political leadership.
- Generate a report following the needs assessments outlining the needs of the different countries and gain insight into relevant contextual information that the researcher(s) have obtained.
- Develop a clear list of the findings resulting from the needs assessment in bullet point form as a point of reference, with corresponding recommendations and priorities that will be used to develop relevant and effective programme approaches and corresponding M&E systems.
Audience: The primary audiences for the research include the Labour Party, WFD and WAFA. Broadly speaking, these are understood to be ‘decision-makers’ who may use the research to inform decision-making.
Ultimately, the research will contribute to informing the Labour Party, WFD and WAFA’s future programme design based on the specific contextual advice for each of the target countries.
Approach and methodology
In view of the purpose, scope and objectives of this research assignment, the prospective researcher(s) is expected to suggest an overall approach and methodology, including methods for data collection (including the number of data collection rounds), data analysis, data validation, and data dissemination.
We expect proposals to include concrete suggestions for the research methodology that clearly demonstrate impartiality and lack of bias by relying on a cross-section of information sources and a suitable research approach. WFD is open to a wide range of research approaches and methods but expects the proposed methodology to be clearly justified and grounded in the principles of utilisation-focused research. Proposals should also include a schedule of key tasks and activities.
The research is expected to foster participation at key stages of the research, including proactively seeking feedback from the primary audience and key stakeholders and through review rounds of deliverables.
Importantly, the researcher(s) is expected to work in partnership with WFD to maximise the transparency and utility of the research process and products. It is therefore expected that the researcher(s) facilitate an in-person/virtual workshop to discuss findings and recommendations as well as final products.
Provisional needs assessment focus areas
Below, find a provisional list of questions of particular interest when conducting the needs assessments. We invite proposals that review and refine this list, which will be further refined in discussions with the Labour Party and WFD.
WAFA Staff and Trainers:
- What priorities and/or problems are WAFA staff and trainers working with WAFA participants on? To what extent do these reflect the priorities of WAFA participants?
- To what extent do WAFA staff and trainers have a sufficient understanding of the specific needs and challenges of women political leaders in their context, including political parties, funding structures, and (gendered) social norms? To what extent are there gaps in resources or capacities that risk limiting programme effectiveness?
- To what extent do WAFA staff and trainers feel confident in measuring the impact of their work? What support may be required to strengthen this?
WAFA participants
- What are WAFA participants’ main objectives and what support do they need to achieve these?
- What are the social, political and economic barriers faced by WAFA participants? In what ways do cultural, institutional, economic, or societal dynamics affect their political participation?
- What are the gender-specific challenges (e.g., harassment, unequal opportunities, insufficient childcare, violence against women in politics, work-life balance concerns) that hinder WAFA participants’ political progress and participation?
- Are there specific challenges that WAFA participants face in accessing leadership roles and decision-making positions?
- What types of skills and knowledge do WAFA participants feel are important to succeed in their role? How could the programme better respond to these?
- What types of support do WAFA participants feel would be most valuable to their work?
Potential male allies/gatekeepers
- To what extent do potential male allies/gatekeepers (such as party leaders) recognise gender equality as a shared responsibility? To what extent are they currently supporting women their political environment?
Ethical considerations and risk mitigations
Regardless of the approach and methodology chosen, proposals are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the sensitivities of the type of work WFD carries out and clearly set out how the project will abide by international ethical standards.
Proposals are expected to outline their approach to potential risks and potential mitigation strategies by adapting the following table (add rows as appropriate):
Risk |
Risk level |
Mitigation strategy |
Residual risk level |
(High/Medium/Low) | (High/Medium/Low) |
Research logistics
The timeline for the research is 3 February to 28 March 2025, by which all deliverables must be complete.
Expected deliverables
Below, find the expected deliverables and provisional dates for their completion:
- Needs assessment plan (10 February)- finalisation of which target countries will be selected for the assessments, details of research approach and methodology, final questions, matrix and work plan, as well as a clear risk management and quality assurance procedures to be followed throughout the research.
- Findings workshop (early March) – findings workshop whereby findings and recommendations are presented to the Labour Party, WFD and WAFA.
- Draft report (mid-March)- 20-page draft report (plus annexes) is received by the Labour Party and WFD, for review and comments.
- Final report (end of March) – final 20-page report (plus annexes) is accepted by the Labour Party and WFD.
Logistical and travel arrangements
The Labour Party and WFD are willing to work with the researcher(s) to select which target countries should be included in the needs assessments given that there are 9 participating countries. The research is expected to include a combination of the following: 1) a review of the current WAFA programme portfolio and the evaluation report that was produced in 2023, 2) surveys/questionnaires (WAFA Staff + programme participants), and 3) (virtual) interviews and/or focus group discussions, and/or other methods the researcher(s) deem appropriate. We expect there to be travel to the selected target countries in order to gather information on the ground. No travel is expected to the Central African Republic.
Nevertheless, WFD will accept any clearly justified approach to data collection in the region, including:
- In person: It is expected there will be in-person visits to some of the target countries in February 2025 led by the researcher(s) to conduct interviews and/or focus groups. The researchers will need to budget for and plan their own travel, clearly including costs and any relevant policies (if applicable) as an annex.
- Hybrid: Some in-person and some virtual interviews and/or focus groups.
- Virtual only: virtual data collection only, including virtual interviews and/or focus group discussions with participants. It is expected that any data collection conducted for the Central African regions will be done virtually only.
Important – please note: WAFA participants can experience intermittent internet connectivity. Therefore, the researcher(s) are expected to outline an inclusive and accessible digital data collection plan to reach stakeholders, especially in the Central African Republic. Proposals are therefore expected to include a clear description and budget line(s) for any necessary logistics to facilitate this (including but not limited to providing data bundles or access to Wi-Fi). Where proposals do not include this, it is expected that this will be explicitly declared and explained so this can be discussed further at an interview (as needed).
It is expected that the successful candidate will throughout the project hold regular check-ins with WFD. The exact timing and nature of these will be agreed in partnership with the successful applicant.
Budget and payment schedule
The approximate budget for the research is £23,000.00. Below, find the provisional payment schedule.
- 40% upon acceptance of the research plan.
- 40% of fee payable upon acceptance of the draft report.
- 20% of fee payable upon acceptance of the final report.
Application process
WFD invites potentially interested suppliers to express interest in this tender opportunity at their earliest convenience to: Henna Rai at
All bids should be submitted by Wednesday 15 January 2025 1pm (UK time) in writing, must comply with the requirements of this ITT, and must include information requested in the ‘Bid Requirements’ below. The bid should be sent electronically and addressed to the above listed email address with the subject line: Response to ITT for needs-based assessments for the Women’s Academy for Africa Programme. The same email address should be used for any questions related to this ITT.
By submitting a bid, you agree to comply with WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies, which are found here, and WFD’s Code of Conduct.
Please note:
- All bids should be submitted in English;
- All bids should be submitted in electronic form only;
- This ITT and the response may be incorporated in whole or in part into the final contract;
- Only information provided in response to questions set out in this documentation will be taken into consideration for the purposes of evaluating the ITT;
- Bids which are poorly organised or poorly written, such that evaluation and comparison with other submissions is notably difficult, may exclude the bidder from further consideration; and
- Any bids which do not fully comply with the requirements of this ITT may be disregarded at the absolute discretion of WFD.
Questions related to this ITT
Questions related to this ITT should be expressed in writing to the email address listed above by Monday 6 January 2025.
Equal opportunity: Should any supplier raise a question that is of general interest, WFD reserves the right to circulate questions and answers to other respondents, either via WFD’s website or by email. In this event, WFD will contact all potential bidders who have expressed interest with the contact email listed above; anonymity will be maintained. Therefore, potential applicants are strongly encouraged to express interest via email prior to submitting their bid.
ITT timeline
Please note the dates are indicative and subject to change.
Milestone |
Provisional timeline |
Issue ITT | 16 December 2024 |
Deadline for questions related to this ITT | 6 January 2025 |
Closing date for receipt of proposals | 15 January 2025 at 1pm (UK time) |
Shortlisting of offers | 17 January 2025 |
Supplier interviews/presentations to procurement committee (if applicable) | 20 and 21 January 2025 |
Contract finalised and signed | By 3 February 2025 |
ITT requirements
All proposals must include:
- A narrative proposal, outlining the proposed methodology and project plan for the research. Narrative proposals should not be longer than 10 pages (excluding CVs and annexes) and include the following sections:
Introduction (up to 1 page): this should introduce the applicant(s) and set out the researcher(s) understanding of the assignment, as well as clearly identify any departure from the terms of reference;
Approach and methodology (up to 4 pages): this should present and justify the research approach and methods, whilst also clearly noting any limitations. Proposals should clearly describe how they will foster participation during the research and specify draft research questions and approach to ensure quality.
Research organisation (up to 2 pages): this should clearly address ethics, risks and quality assurance. Proposals should identify potential ethical, technical and practical risks to the research and propose mitigations using the table included above. This section should include a schedule of key tasks and activities.
Curriculum vitae (CVs) for the consultant(s) (up to 3 pages each) and a brief organisational profile (if applicable), highlighting relevant research experience. CVs should not be longer than three pages.
- A financial proposal, with a full breakdown of costings for the proposed evaluation including separate accounting of VAT and/or any other applicable tax, duty or charge. It should also detail any discount applied in view of WFD’s not-for-profit status. Financial proposals should include a breakdown that specifies tasks lines for each team member(s), with estimates of the number of days per team member, their individual day rate(s), and logistical and travel costs (as described above).
Annexes must include:
- Confirmation of acceptance of General Terms and Conditions of Tendering. By submitting a proposal, you confirm acceptance to WFD’s General Terms and Conditions for Tendering. All bids should include a signed copy of the Confirmation of Compliance form.
- References. Please include details of two references relating to similar services provided in the past three years. Please note – referees will only be contacted once Preferred Bidder status is assigned.
- A link to or copy of your company’s latest audited annual accounts with the bid (if applicable).
Other information: If there is additional information that has not been requested in the ITT but is relevant to your bid, please include that information as a separate attachment and explain its relevance to this ITT.
Please note: WFD is particularly keen to receive bids from organisations that are – or are working towards becoming – living wage employers and that have a broadly representative and balanced Board from gender and ethnicity perspectives.
Assessment criteria
WFD does not provide a mathematical formula by which proposals will be assessed, but the procurement committee will usually consider the following criteria to assess the quality, relevance and value of all responses:
- Overall quality of the proposal.
- Service offer and solution fit to the specifications of this ITT.
- Quality of the technical approach and methodology.
- Organisation of the research.
- Qualifications, experience and competence.
- Value for money and pricing factors.
The researcher(s) shall have the following expertise and qualification:
Essential criteria
- The Team Leader or Lead Consultant must have led a minimum of 2 similar research projects before, similar in size, complexity and thematic area. It is expected they have over 5 years’ experience in the field of research within international development, political science or a related field, including experience working with international organisations and donors.
- The Team Leader or Lead Consultant should have at least a Master’s degree in a relevant field (such as Public Policy, International Development, Development Economics/Planning, Economics, International Relations/ Diplomacy, or Gender Studies). Where this is not met, WFD may accept a sufficient level of professional experience in alternative.
- The researcher(s) should demonstrate subject matter expertise in women’s political leadership, candidate support, and political inclusion.
- The researcher(s) should possess extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of research, including experience in Africa.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
Desirable criteria
- It would be desirable for the researcher(s) to demonstrate expertise in representational issues in democratic systems and political parties.
Professional proficiency in French, Spanish or Portuguese would be an advantage.
Related questions and answers
Below, please find responses to questions submitted in relation to this invitation to tender (ITT).
Questions | WFD responses |
Is this invitation intended for country-based research consultants in each of the nine countries to apply for separate studies conducted in their respective countries, or if it is for a single consultant to conduct the assessment across all nine countries? |
There is no requirement for researchers to reside in the named countries or to apply for separate studies.
All approaches will be reviewed on merit for their suitability for delivering the objectives and deliverables of the whole assignment, as described in this ITT. Due to the timelines and scope of the assignment, WFD's preference is for a sole researcher, team or organisation(s) to undertake the assignment to present a unified report and recommendations. Where country-based researchers are interested in delivering a partial response to this ITT, we encourage you to team up with other country-based researchers to present a single, unified approach to the needs-based assessments that respond to all the requirements of this ITT. |
We noticed that the Terms of Reference require a link to or a copy of the company’s latest audited annual accounts to be included with the bid. However, as it is not a national requirement in Italy, our accounts are not officially audited. Nevertheless, these internal accounts are usually sufficient for applying to tenders and grants. Can a tender proposal still be submitted? | Yes, this is permissible so long as all local and international requirements have been adhered to. This will be reviewed by WFD when undertaking due diligence checks of the preferred supplier. |