Consultancy assignment: Review of the parliamentary service commission strategic plan in Kenya

Vacancy - consultant

Consultancy assignment: Review of the parliamentary service commission strategic plan in Kenya

WFD seeks to hire an expert with vast knowledge and experience in parliamentary engagement and strategic planning to support the SPIC in reviewing the current PSC Strategic Plan.


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups on elections to help make countries’ political systems fairer, more inclusive, accountable, and transparent.

WFD is implementing the Inclusive and Accountable Politics programme in Kenya in partnership with the Parliament. The programme seeks to strengthen Parliament’s effectiveness for greater democratic practice. Towards this, WFD is providing technical support to the Parliament to ensure that it responds to opportunities for improving democratic processes and practices. 


Parliament of Kenya and by extension the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) is a key driver of Kenya Vision 2030 and the Bottom-Up Transformation Agenda as Stipulated in the Fourth Medium Term Plan 2023-2027. Parliament provides an enabling environment for all other sectors to thrive. It makes this possible through the adoption of the requisite policy frameworks, enactment of the necessary laws and subsidiary legislations. To this end, the Commission is mandated under Article 127(6) of the Constitution to among other functions; provide services and facilities to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of Parliament. 

In the performance of the above function, the Commission is required to, among others, prepare a strategic plan for the entity in conformity with the medium-term fiscal framework and fiscal policy objectives of the national government and prepare estimates of expenditure and revenues of the entity in conformity with the strategic plan. The Strategic Plan Implementation Committee (SPIC) was appointed and developed the PSC Strategic Plan 2019-2030 which is currently being implemented. This Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing the Parliamentary Service Commission's Strategic Plan; ensuring public awareness; coordinating; implementation; identifying key strategic issues, monitoring overall strategy implementation and providing guidance and recommendations for consideration by the Board of Senior Management. 

WFD has a track record of supporting the Parliament of Kenya through strategic plans development, and capacity building programmes in areas such as monitoring, measurements and evaluation activities. It is in this regard that the SPIC is seeking to leverage on the existing partnership between the CPST and WFD to fulfil its mandate in the following areas: Review the current the PSC Strategic Plan 2019-2030, development of a monitoring and evaluation framework, and sensitization training to the SPIC on the reviewed strategic plan new priority areas and use of the developed M&E framework.

The assignment

WFD therefore seeks to engage an expert with vast knowledge and experience in parliamentary engagement and strategic planning to support the SPIC in reviewing the current PSC Strategic Plan. The review is to be done in line with the emerging pressing governance priorities and issues. Additionally, the expert is expected to develop a comprehensive and practical M&E tool to support SPIC in tracking the implementation of the revised strategic plan. Furthermore, the expert is expected to provide a sensitization training to the SPIC members to familiarize themselves with the revised strategic plan and how to use the developed M&E framework in tracking its implementation progress.

Objectives and scope of work

The consultant is expected to:

  • Review the current PSC Strategic Plan 2019-2030 in line with the emerging pressing governance priorities and issues.
  • Develop a comprehensive and practical M&E tool to support SPIC in tracking the implementation of the revised strategic plan.
  • Provide a sensitization training to the SPIC members to familiarize themselves with the revised strategic plan, focusing on new priority areas, and how to use the developed M&E framework in tracking the strategic plan implementation progress.
  • Prepare a process report with clear recommendations on ways and means to further strengthen implementation of the new strategic plan.


  • An inception report that highlights the roadmap towards carrying out the assignment with the CPST and SPIC.
  • A comprehensive review of the PSC current Strategic Plan 2019-2030 with specific recommendations for consideration by SPIC.
  • Draft revised strategic plan informed by the emerging pressing governance priorities and issues, to further enhance the oversight role of the parliament and to promote legislative openness, transparency and accountability for further consideration by SPIC.
  • Development of a comprehensive and practical M&E tool to support SPIC in tracking the implementation of the new strategic plan.
  • A clear standard strategy implementation framework to guide the work of SPIC during its term
  • Sensitization training to the SPIC members to familiarize themselves with the revised strategic plan, focusing on new priority areas, and how to use the developed M&E framework in tracking the strategic plan implementation progress.
  • A detailed process report documenting the approach, actual delivery and relevant recommendations.


The consultant will be contracted for thirteen (13) consultancy days within the month of October – November 2024. i.e 10 days for reviewing the current strategic plan and development of the M&E framework, 3 days to orient the SPIC on the M&E tool and any other priority area.


The consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • Individual national consultant with a post graduate qualification in a relevant discipline such as Political Sciences, strategic management, Law, Economics, Business Administration or any relevant Social Science discipline.
  • Experience in strategy design, monitoring, evaluation and learning in a legislative set up.
  • Experience in parliamentary engagement and strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Technical knowledge and methodological expertise in a wide range of evaluation approaches and methods, including the evaluation of complex programs in a legislative set up.
  • Proof of leading and facilitating the development of theories of change aimed at shifting systems towards transformative change in a legislative environment.
  • Experience in designing, implementing, and adapting impact monitoring and measurement systems and tools, incorporating in practice aspects in a diversified political environment.
  • Technical knowledge and methodological expertise in a wide range of evaluation approaches and methods, including the evaluation of complex programs in a legislative set up.
  • Experience in strategic management, framing, political positioning and influencing strategies.
  • Proof of leading and facilitating the development of theories of change aimed at shifting systems towards transformative change in a legislative environment.
  • Conversant with Stakeholder Engagement and Participatory Approaches: Strong skills in engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders, including mandated institutions in the sectors of interest, public, private sector actors, program participants, and other partners. This entails using participatory tools and processes to foster a culture of learning and adaptability, essential for the program’s success.
  • Ability to work independently within strict timeframes.
  • Availability during the engagement period.
  • High level of openness and professional integrity.
  • Good communication skills and Proficient English-speaking ability.

Application process

Interested contractor(s) are expected to submit proposals (both technical and financial) with CV(s) of the proposed team.

The technical proposal must detail the following:

  • Objectives and understanding of the assignment.
  • Expected outputs and product.
  • Demonstrable experience in similar assignments
  • Availability to deliver the assignment within the required time limit.
  • Financial proposal in Kenya shillings for the entire assignment.

The proposal should be sent to and Cc by 4 November 2024 (17:00 East African time). Any clarification should be emailed to the above email addresses.