Call for experts: Research services

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.
We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers:
- Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues;
- High quality and impactful programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies; and
- International elections observation on behalf of the UK.
WFD has been collaborating with the Lebanese Parliament since 2006, focusing on strengthening democratic practices and accountability, enhancing financial and budgetary oversight, promoting women’s leadership, and engaging young people in politics.
In the current post-conflict context, and amid a series of recent and emerging crises, WFD seeks to understand the perspectives of people in Lebanon to contribute to defining a resilient social contract that addresses the needs and aspirations of current generations and is resilient to changes that may occur in the future.
Aim of this Invitation to Tender
WFD is issuing this Call for Experts (“Call”) to a range of potential experts and we would welcome a proposal from your organisation. This Call constitutes an Invitation to Tender. WFD invites individuals, firms or research teams to submit technical and financial proposals to conduct research into the values, needs and aspirations of Lebanese people and their vision(s) for the country’s democratic future.
Proposal submission
All proposals should be submitted by Wednesday 15 January 2025 in writing, must comply with the requirements of this Call, and must include the information requested in the Proposal Requirements below.
The proposal should be sent electronically and addressed to Rania Abi Habib at and cc-ed to Priya Bahia at
The same email addresses should be used for any questions related to this Call.
By submitting a bid, you agree to comply with WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies, which are found here, and WFD’s Code of Conduct.
Terms of Reference
Lebanon has faced a series of crises in recent years, including a financial collapse, the Beirut port explosion, the COVID-19 pandemic, and recent conflict with Israel. These events have deepened pre-existing challenges, leaving the Lebanese population facing an uncertain future in a fragmented and unstable country.
In response to these crises and the future polycrisis Lebanon faces, this research aims to explore the intergenerational perspectives of Lebanese people regarding the social contract for future generations. The study will focus on their collective aspirations for a new social contract, examining their visions for political, economic, and social reforms, as well as the fundamental rights they consider essential for a sustainable, just, inclusive and resilient future where the relationship between the state and society is underpinned by trust and participation. Themes such as values, rights, inclusion, civic duty, and human security will be explored.
The research will provide insights into both shared and divergent perspectives on governance, economic structures, and societal relations, ultimately identifying a path toward a more stable, just, and inclusive Lebanon.
The findings will be shared with key stakeholders, including policymakers, members of Parliament, and relevant institutions, to initiate a national dialogue on a resilient social contract for future generations. This dialogue will help policymakers better understand the areas where intergenerational views converge and diverge. Through these intergenerational perspectives, the study will contribute to a shared vision for Lebanon’s future and identify common ground to support the country’s rebuilding process from a place of collective aspiration and mutual understanding.
Specifically, the research will seek to answer the following key questions, which will be refined in collaboration with the selected consultant:
- What visions for Lebanon’s future, in terms of political, economic, and social stability, do the different generations articulate, and where do their views align, diverge, or conflict?
- How do different generations view the relationship between citizens and the state? How do they believe this should work to best serve their needs and interests?
- What core values, rights, and principles do the different generations consider essential for a sustainable, just, inclusive and resilient future in Lebanon?
- What key barriers and opportunities different generations identify as obstacles to implementing a new social contract in Lebanon?
Research guiding principles
- Participatory: The research shall adopt a participatory approach, actively involving diverse stakeholders in the process to ensure that the voices of all relevant groups are heard and considered throughout the study.
- Inclusive representation: Efforts shall be made to ensure diversity in representation, including but not necessarily limited to various geographic regions, confessional affiliations, and gender identities in Lebanese society.
- Intergenerational: The study will focus on capturing the viewpoints across the generations, ensuring that the research reflects the full range of experiences and aspirations within the Lebanese population.
Scope of work
The consultant(s) is expected to:
- Design a comprehensive participatory research methodology tailored to the objectives of the study.
- Develop clear guidelines and selection criteria for participant recruitment ensuring diversity in terms of confessional affiliations, regional backgrounds, gender, and other relevant factors, while adhering to a strict code of ethics.
- Coordinate with local stakeholders, including community organizations, youth networks, and civil society groups, to facilitate outreach and participant recruitment.
- Undertake data collection and analysis
- Develop a detailed report outlining the research findings and recommendations
- Ensure the engagement of multiple stakeholders throughout the research process, fostering collaboration and inclusivity.
The consultant will work in close coordination with WFD’s project team to ensure the research process remains adaptive and responsive to any evolving needs or challenges.
WFD takes an adaptive approach to its work. If necessary, the scope of work may be adjusted to reflect changes to logistical, political, or contextual realities during the implementation phase, with the primary goal of achieving the assignment's objectives.
Any significant changes or deviations from the initial plan will be discussed and agreed upon with the project team.
- An agreed detailed work-plan and methodology for the consultancy
- Research guide for the project
- Draft and final written reports providing in-depth analysis and implications of findings
While the selected consultant is expected to outline the full scope of the assignment and propose a methodology, timeline, and budget for the whole assignment, the project will be contracted in two phases.
The first phase is expected to concluded by the end of March 2025 and will commence as soon as possible. The second phase (to be contracted subject to funding) is expected to last no longer than 12 months between April 2025 and March 2026.
Interested parties should prepare their proposal in two phases, as per the above i.e. clearly indicating what work will be carried out between January and March 2025 (and associated costs), and how the remaining work will be phased and costed.
The Consultant(s) will meet regularly with WFD to discuss progress on the consultancy, including challenges, opportunities and ideas that may arise. The frequency of these meetings will be defined by the WFD project team and agreed with the selected consultant(s).
Working arrangements
The assignment may be managed remotely, however, the consultant must make arrangements for the necessary work to be carried out on the ground, in Lebanon.
If the consultant(s) intend to sub-contract any aspect of this consultancy to a partner organization(s), please make this clear in your proposal.
The consultant(s) is expected to use their own office facilities.
Minimum experience and expertise
- Relevant experience: Proven experience in conducting social research, with a strong preference for expertise in participatory methodologies, for example, Structured Democratic Dialogue Processes (SDDP).
- Software and tools: Proficiency in using research software and tools for data collection, analysis, and reporting. This may include qualitative analysis software, and data visualization tools.
- Management and organizational skills: Strong management and organizational capabilities, including the ability to oversee the planning, execution, and reporting of complex projects. The consultant must demonstrate experience in coordinating logistics, resources, and teams to successfully implement large-scale engagements.
- Communication and coordination: Excellent communication skills, with the ability to effectively engage and coordinate with diverse stakeholders, including local organizations, youth groups, government representatives, and other partners.
- Key personnel and team qualifications: The consultant should outline the qualifications and experience of key personnel involved in the project, demonstrating a well-rounded team with the necessary expertise in research, facilitation, analysis, and reporting.
- Arabic language proficiency: Working proficiency in Arabic (as well as English), enabling effective communication with local participants, stakeholders, and team members.
- Experience in Lebanon or places with similar context: Experience designing, implementing, and facilitating similar projects within Lebanon, with an understanding of the local political, social, and cultural context.
Proposal process
Below is the proposed timescale for this Call. Please note the dates are indicative and subject to change.
Description |
Date |
Issue Call |
20 December 2024 |
Closing date for receipt of completed proposals |
15 January 2025 |
Shortlisting of proposals |
Week of 13 January 2025 |
Expert interviews/presentations to tender committee (if applicable) |
Week of 20 January 2025 |
WFD announces preferred supplier |
Week of 27 January 2025 |
Contract finalised and signed |
Week of 27 January 2025 |
Proposal requirements
In general, the proposal should include the following:
- If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required.
- If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should provide a C.V. or information in the proposal document including:
- A summary of their professional biography and relevant career history/record of assignments; and
- case studies/credentials demonstrating relevant experience and skills profile
Proposed solution
A detailed narrative proposal with clear explanation as to the proposed approach to meeting the specification set out in this Call and detailed project plan, including timelines, assumptions and dependencies, resourcing, and risks. Please note a 10-page limit applies to all narrative proposals. Narrative proposals must include the following sections:
- Executive summary.
- Introduction (up to 2 page): this should introduce the applicant(s) and set out the researcher(s)’ understanding of the assignment, as well as clearly identify any departure from the terms of reference.
- Approach and methodology (up to 2 pages): this should present and justify the research approach and methods, whilst also clearly noting any limitations. Proposals should clearly describe how they will foster participation during the research.
- Research organisation (up to 2 pages): This section should detail how the research will integrate a sufficient level of quality assurance and include a schedule of key tasks and activities.
- Qualifications and competence of the expert(s) and/or organisation (up to 4 pages): Proposals are expected to clearly nominate a Team Leader or Lead Consultant who will act as the primary point of contact with WFD. If including other roles, proposals should describe how the roles and experience of the team are relevant to this assignment.
Financial proposal
- Full breakdown of time and cost estimates for the proposed solution in the currency of the Expert’s preferred accounts payable account, including any daily rate to be applied.
- Separate accounting of VAT and/or any other applicable tax, duty, or charge.
- Detailing of any discount applied in view of WFD’s not-for-profit status.
- If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required.
- If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should include details of at least three references relating to similar expert services provided in the last three years.
Confirmation of acceptance of general terms and conditions
- All proposals should include a signed copy of the Confirmation of Compliance form as annexed to this Call.
All experts should also note the following:
- All proposals should be submitted in English;
- All proposals should be submitted in electronic form;
- This Call and the proposal in response may be incorporated in whole or in part into the final contract;
- Only information provided in response to questions set out in this documentation will be taken into consideration for the purposes of evaluating the proposal;
- Proposals which are poorly organised or poorly written, such that evaluation and comparison with other submissions is notably difficult, may exclude the expert from further consideration; and
- Any proposals which do not fully comply with the requirements of this Call may be disregarded at the absolute discretion of WFD.
Evaluation criteria
WFD does not provide a mathematical formula by which bids will be weighted evaluated, but the procurement committee will usually consider the following criteria, among others in the evaluation of all responses:
- Quality of bid document.
- Service offer and solution fit to specification.
- Quality, capacity, and track-record of bidders based on references.
- Value for money and pricing factors.
- Professional profile, track record, and references.
- Relevant experience, including case studies.
WFD will score each criterion using the following table:
0 |
The proposal submitted omits and fundamentally fails to meet WFD’s scope and specifications. Insufficient evidence to support the proposal to allow WFD to evaluate. Not Answered |
1 |
The information submitted has a severe lack of evidence to demonstrate that WFD’s scope and specifications can be met. Significant omissions, serious and/or many concerns. Poor |
2 |
The information submitted has some minor omissions in respect of WFD's scope and specifications. The tender satisfies the basic requirements in some respects but is unsatisfactory in other respects and raises some concerns. Satisfactory. |
3 |
The information submitted provides some good evidence to meet the WFD’s scope and specifications and is satisfactory in most respects and there are few concerns. Good. |
4 |
The information submitted provides good evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met. Full and robust response, any concerns are addressed so that the proposal gives confidence. Very Good. |
5 |
The information submitted provides strong evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met and the proposal exceeds expectation i.e. exemplary in the industry. Provides full confidence and no concerns. Outstanding |
Equal Information
Should any potential expert raise a question that is of general interest, WFD reserves the right to circulate both question and answer to other respondents, either via WFD’s website or by email. In this event, anonymity will be maintained.
Annual reports
If you operate a personal services company, please provide a link or copy of your company’s latest audited annual accounts with the proposal.
Other information
If the potential expert believes that there is additional information that has not been requested in the Call but is relevant to your proposal, please include that information as a separate attachment and explain its relevance to this Call.