Call for Experts: Preparation of a Functional Analysis of the North Macedonia’s Assembly

Vacancy - consultant

Call for Experts: Preparation of a Functional Analysis of the North Macedonia’s Assembly

WFD is seeking to hire an International Lead Expert to act as Team lead in the preparation of a Functional Analysis of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia.
A person wearing grey shirt writing


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.

We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers: 

  • Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues.
  • High quality and impactful programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies. 
  • International elections observation on behalf of the UK. 


WFD is issuing this Call for Experts to a range of potential experts, and we would welcome a proposal from you or your organisation. This Call constitutes a formal Request for Quotes.

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy’s (WFD) Country Office, through the programme “Democracy Works” supported by the British Embassy in North Macedonia, has actively been supporting the work of the state institutions, key to the democratic governance of the Republic of North Macedonia. The support to the Assembly is mainly focused on capacity building of Committees in exercising their oversight duties, the overall communication practices of the Assembly with other state institutions, the establishment and functioning of the Youth MPs Club, supporting the work of informal bodies, as well as the Volunteers Program within the Assembly. 

Besides enhancing the oversight and communication practices, as well as operational processes and the public impact, WFD supports the Assembly in conducting a Functional Analysis with recommendations for its improvement. WFD supported the Assembly in conducting such a functional review in 2018.

Following the parliamentary elections that took place this year, the Assembly obtained a completely new leadership after seven years which raised the initiative for the need for an up to date assessment of the situation as to set the course of action and development for the Assembly in the upcoming period. More so, it adopted a new Law on Parliament that provided it with new authority and independence, made changes to its Rules of Procedure, adopted a Code of Conduct and finally, adopted a new Strategy 2025-2029. Having in mind all the above, the purpose of this process is to identify the current challenges from an organizational and functional point of view in the Assembly, which can potentially hinder the implementation of its current competencies and tasks, but also those provided by the strategic documents, as well as to propose concrete measures to improve the fulfillment of its goals and objectives, aimed at achieving the expected results.

Proposal submission

All proposals should be submitted by 1 November 2024, 12:00, in writing, must comply with the requirements of this Call, and must include the information requested in the Proposal Requirements below. 

The proposal should be sent electronically and addressed to: Sanja Bogatinovska Davkovska, Programme Manager, WFD North Macedonia Office at

The same email address should be used for any questions related to this Call. 

WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies are found at, and you can find a copy of WFD’s Code of Conduct at

Terms of Reference


The overall objective of the International Lead Expert is, as a leader of a small team of regional and local experts, to conduct an up-to-date Functional Analysis with recommendations for the improvement of the work of the Assembly. The purpose of the functional analysis is twofold: to recognize the main issues and characteristics of the existing organizational setup and functioning of the Assembly, which have an impact on the successful execution of its mandate, and then to propose specific measures for changes that could contribute to improved performance of the Assembly by increasing efficiency and effectiveness. The International Lead Expert will analyse primary and secondary data sources relevant to the performance of the parliamentary service, provide direction to the experts’ team tasked with the delivery of specific aspects of the analysis and recommendations, provide expertise and comparative examples that will provide input for the analysis, and prepare drafts and final functional analysis report with recommendations. In delivery of these objectives, the International Lead Expert will be expected to visit North Macedonia on three working occasions, whereas other work can be delivered remotely. The development of the functional analysis with recommendations should be followed by a meeting with an Assembly Working Group/representatives that will be implementing them. This objective will advance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Assembly, utilizing the analysis and its recommendations produced by an experienced International Lead Expert, with the support of regional and local experts. The objective of this assignment, in this regard will be:

  • To develop a Functional Analysis, utilizing theoretical and practical experience, and with the support of regional and local experts;
  • To conduct three scoping missions to the North Macedonia Assembly that will assess the strategic compliance with the plans and goals, the organizational capacities in the institution and the effective and efficient execution of work tasks to perform the planned results, but also to coordinate with the regional and local experts’ team;
  • To prepare and present the functional analysis and its recommendations to the Assembly leadership, and to the other relevant stakeholders;
  • To provide guidance, knowledge, mentoring and support to regional and local experts’ team throughout the process.

Scope of work

The scope of work for the assignment will be the development of Functional Analysis and specific recommendations to the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia to apply it, in its work and practice, that take into consideration the local context and practices, as well as to present them to the Assembly leadership, an Assembly Working Group/representatives that will be tasked to implement it and to other relevant stakeholders.


Specifically, these Terms of Reference refer to the provision of International Lead Expert, that should deliver a Functional Analysis of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia and recommendations for the improvement of its work, specifically through the following deliverables: 

  • To conduct three scoping missions to the North Macedonia Assembly that will assess the strategic compliance with the plans and goals, the organizational capacities in the institution and the effective and efficient execution of work tasks to perform the planned results, but also to coordinate with the regional and local experts’ team.
  • Preparation of Functional Analysis of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, utilizing specifically tailored methodology framed in an Action Plan, consulting regional and local experts, other stakeholders as well as existing functional analysis of the Assembly developed in 2018.
  • Hold a presentation to the Assembly leadership, to an Assembly Working Group/representatives that will be tasked to implement the recommendations, and to other relevant stakeholders.
  • Coordinate with the team of regional and local experts, the Assembly and WFD.
  • Prepare recommendations for the advancement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of the Assembly. 

WFD will be responsible for organizing the travel to North Macedonia and other logistical arrangements, as well as for the organizing of the meetings and other events.


The timeline of the activities foreseen with this ToR is: 15.11.2024 – 31.03.2025. 

The activities should take place during the following periods:

  • Scoping visit and assessing the existing practices and approaches of the Assembly, and consulting the Assembly and the regional and local experts in the development of the Functional Analysis (November 2024, December 2024, February 2025).
  • Final visit for presentation of the Functional Analysis and recommendations to the Assembly leadership, Assembly Working Group/representatives tasked to implement them and other relevant stakeholders (March 2025).
  • Preparation of Functional Analysis for the Assembly and specific recommendations in coordination with regional and local experts (March 2025).
  • Coordinate with the regional and local experts’ team (November 2024 - March 2025).
  • Submission of final report for the services with recommendations to be undertaken by the Assembly in order to improve its efficiency and efficacy.


The International Lead Expert is expected to provide regular monthly updates on the milestones achieved and the challenges encountered.

Apart from regular communication and coordination with the regional and local experts, the International Lead Expert is expected to have regular monthly meetings with WFD representatives to discuss project progress, address challenges, and make necessary adjustments.

Working arrangements

The International Lead Expert will primarily work remotely. The expert is expected to make 3 scoping visits to North Macedonia to gather information, meet with regional and local experts and other relevant stakeholders, and establish project goals. A final visit will be required to present the completed work as outlined above. WFD will be responsible for covering their own travel expenses for the planned visits to North Macedonia.

The expert will need to provide their own computer, internet connection, and any necessary software for remote work.


WFD shall pay the International Lead Expert for the days worked as will be specified in the contract agreement.

Minimum experience and expertise

  • A master’s degree or PhD in Political Science, Public Administration, Law, or a related field is essential.
  • Demonstrated at least 10 years of professional experience in legislative affairs, parliamentary work, policy development, or related fields, and at least five years of experience in conducting functional analyses, including developing methodologies, collecting data, and formulating recommendations.
  • A track record of working in international environments and collaborating with diverse stakeholders.
  • Familiarity with the challenges and opportunities facing legislative bodies in Western Balkan countries, such as North Macedonia, is advantageous.
  • Excellent written and spoken English is mandatory.
  • Technical/Functional Competencies: strong analytical skills for assessing complex legislative systems, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and developing evidence-based recommendations; expertise in policy analysis and institutional assessment, strategic thinking, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, project management abilities, adaptability, and a deep understanding of legislative systems, stakeholder engagement, and policy implementation.

Proposal process


Below is the proposed timescale for this Call. Please note the dates are indicative and subject to change. 



Issue Call

22 October 2024

Closing date for receipt of completed proposals

1 November 2024

Shortlisting of proposals

5 November 2024

Expert interviews/presentations to tender committee (if applicable)

7 November 2024

WFD announces preferred supplier

8 November 2024

Contract finalised and signed

11 November 2024

Proposal requirements

In general, the proposal should include the following: 

  1. Profile 
  2. Proposed solution and how it meets the specification (scope and deliverables)  
  3. Financial proposal  
  4. References  

Individual profile

  • If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required. 

  • If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should provide a C.V. or information in the proposal document including: 
  • A summary of their professional biography and relevant career history/record of assignments.
  • Case studies/credentials demonstrating relevant experience and skills profile .

Proposed solution

  • Clear explanation as to the proposed approach to meeting the specification set out in this Call.
  • Detailed project plan, including timelines, assumptions and dependencies, resourcing, and risks.

Financial proposal

  • Full breakdown time and cost estimates for the proposed solution in GBP, including any daily rate to be applied. 
  • Separate accounting of VAT and/or any other applicable tax, duty, or charge.  
  • Detailing of any discount applied in view of WFD’s not-for-profit status.  


  • If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required. 
  • If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should include details of at least three references relating to similar expert services provided in the last three years. 

Queries about this Call

Any questions related to this Call should be addressed to Sanja Bogatinovska Davkovska, Programme Manager, WFD North Macedonia Office at

Equal Information

Should any potential expert raise a question that is of general interest, WFD reserves the right to circulate both question and answer to other respondents, either via WFD’s website or by email. In this event, anonymity will be maintained.

Annual reports

If you operate a personal services company, please provide a link or copy of your company’s latest audited annual accounts with the proposal.

Other information

If the potential expert believes that there is additional information that has not been requested in the Call but is relevant to your proposal, please include that information as a separate attachment and explain its relevance to this Call.