Call for experts: Political Leadership Development Programme in Jordan

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections to help make political systems fairer, more inclusive and more accountable.
We are a problem-solving, practitioner-led organisation that offers:
- Specialist analysis, research, and advice to inform policy makers on a range of democratic governance issues;
- High quality and impactful programmes that directly support the full spectrum of institutions in political systems to develop inclusive political processes, more accountable political systems, protection of rights and freedoms, and more pluralistic societies; and
- International elections observation on behalf of the UK.
Aim of this Invitation to Tender
WFD is issuing this Call for Experts (“Call”) to a range of potential experts and we would welcome a proposal from your organisation. This Call constitutes an Invitation to Tender.
WFD is one of the implementing partners within a consortium led by Expertise France on the EU-funded programme ‘Support to Democratic Reforms in Jordan’, which aims to promote a more inclusive and accountable democratic process. WFD’s role in the programme is to support more meaningful participation of young men and women in democratic life. To this end, WFD will develop a Political Leadership Development Programme (PLDP) for parliamentarians aged 40 and below, with additional support for women MPs. The programme will support the cohort of younger men and women MPs to fulfil their parliamentary role and build a solid network to help facilitate sustained political careers.
WFD seeks an individual or team of national consultant(s) as a course convenor for the 18-month development programme from March 2025 to August 2026. The consultant(s) will oversee the programme, provide group coaching, mentoring and training sessions, support the design of training materials, provide feedback on group and individual projects and facilitate regular communication and engagement of the cohort.
- Young MPs development programme; and
- Mentoring programme for women MPs.
Proposal submission
All proposals should be submitted by 20 January 2025, 5pm (Jordan time) in writing, must comply with the requirements of this Call, and must include the information requested in the Proposal Requirements below.
The proposal should be sent electronically and addressed to: Safa Salim, Finance and Compliance Manager at
The same email address should be used for any questions related to this Call.
By submitting a bid, you agree to comply with WFD’s standard terms and conditions for tendering and key policies, which are found here, and WFD’s Code of Conduct.
Terms of Reference
WFD seeks an individual or team of national consultant(s) as a course convenor for the 18-month development programme from March 2025 to August 2026. The consultant(s) will oversee the programme, provide group coaching, mentoring and training sessions, support the design of training materials, provide feedback on group and individual projects and facilitate regular communication and engagement of the cohort.
The PLDP will focus on the professional development of 17 young MPs, by building their networks, and political acumen. Participating women parliamentarians will receive additional mentoring to help them navigate gendered dynamics within political institutions. The PLDP will employ a diverse range of training methodologies, including structured, in-person, skills-building workshops, webinars, individual and group project design and implementation, peer reflection/action learning circles, and group mentoring, ensuring adaptability and inclusivity.
Reporting to the WFD Jordan team, with technical support from the Heads of Practice for Inclusion and Political Parties, the PLDP Consultant is expected to design a curriculum to help these new leaders develop specified knowledge and skills, achieve their development goals, and harness their collective power as a cohort cumulatively. The Consultant(s) will also ensure the continued engagement of the participants in the programme, being responsive to the competing pressures of the MPs while maintaining regular communication and opportunities for the cohort to engage in learning. The Consultant(s) will participate in, and directly lead sessions, where appropriate but will also signpost and recommend other experts as required.
Scope of work
The 18-month PDLP will comprise:
Year one (Y1)
- Will focus on building core competencies through core competency training that will support young parliamentarians to navigate the political environment better, providing them with practical knowledge as well as exploring the rules of the game. Core competencies might include, but not limited to, topics such as:
- Understanding Parliamentary Procedures
- Building your team
- Networking
- Staying connected with citizens
- Integrated with the core competencies training, a needs assessment to identify knowledge and competency gaps both individually and collectively
- Individual competency gaps identified will support the development of MPs personal development plans.
- Collective competency gaps identified will support the MPs to design and develop group projects.
Year two (Y2)
- Will build on core competencies training, integrated needs assessments and personal development plans from Year One to provide a tailored competency coaching programme to the Cohort, continuing to close identified skills gaps.
- The Cohort will undertake and complete their group project learning from them as they implement them in practice and present their findings and results.
- Will provide an experiential component to the cohorts learning, with each cohort member designing and developing individual projects, aligned to their personal development plans, and learning from them as they implement them in practice.
Year three (Y3)
- Will see the continuation of the tailored competency coaching programme to the Cohort.
- The Cohort will undertake and complete their personal projects based on design from year 2 will and present their findings and results.
- All cohort members will graduate from the programme.
The peer reflection process and women’s mentoring programme will run alongside activities for the duration of the 18-month programme, adapting as the participants develop.
The PDLP Consultant will support the delivery of PDLP through:
- Design and adaptation of the training curriculum.
- Delivery of coaching, mentoring and training sessions with the cohort.
- Core competencies training for all young MPs.
- Tailored competency coaching programmes for all young MPs, based upon integrated needs assessment and identified skills gaps.
- Mentoring for young women MPs only.
- Identification & hiring of relevant knowledge experts to deliver specified sessions if required, such as the women’s mentoring sessions.
- Feedback to the cohort on group and individual projects.
- Facilitating regular communication and maintaining engagement of the cohort.
- Monitoring the development of the cohort.
- Contribute to quarterly reporting.
Over the 18-month project duration, the consultant(s) is expected to deliver the following activities over approximately 24 days, noting that the number of days is indicative for the purposes of developing the technical and financial proposal.
March 2025 (Year 1)
- Submit an inception report, including a detailed work plan for the 18-month development programme from March 2025 to August 2026. The report shall provide detailed description of the delivery of the Political Leadership Development Programme (PLDP); with all its different components.
- Develop core competency training material including, but not limited to, topics listed under the ‘Scope of Work’ section.
- Deliver part I of core competency training alongside an integrated needs assessment process for the identification of MPs personal development plans.
- Deliver mentoring sessions for the young women MPs and facilitate discussions on identified technical areas where support needs have been identified.
- Deliver part II of the core competencies training and integrated needs assessment.
- Utilise the core competency training and integrated needs assessment to identify project concept designs for possible group projects.
- Facilitate training sessions for the MPs on peer reflection techniques and modalities.
April 2025 – March 2026 (Year 2)
- Deliver part I of the tailored competency coaching programme on identified skills gaps in line with the MPs needs assessment and personal development plans, and review group project design concepts.
- Continue to deliver mentoring sessions for the young women MPs and facilitate discussions on identified technical areas where support is needed.
- Deliver part II of the tailored coaching programme on identified skills gaps in line with the MPs needs assessment and personal development plans, including allocating time for group project presentations.
- Deliver part III of the tailored competency coaching programme on identified skills gaps in line with the MPs needs assessment and personal development plans, including allocating time to discuss and agree on the individual project design process, aligning to the MPs personal development plans.
- Encourage MPs to come together for peer reflection sessions throughout year 2, as per the peer reflection techniques and modalities training delivered in Y1.
April 2026 – August 2026 (Year 3)
- Deliver part IV of the tailored competency coaching programme on identified skills gaps in line with the MPs needs assessment and personal development plans, in addition to providing technical support on the implementation of the individual project designs.
- Continue delivering mentoring sessions for the young women MPs and facilitate discussions on identified technical areas where support is needed.
- Encourage MPs to come together for peer reflection sessions throughout year 3, as per the peer reflection techniques and modalities training delivered in Y1.
- Facilitate sessions for the MPs to present their individual projects and provide technical feedback for potential areas for improvement.
- Organize a graduation event for the MPs who participated and committed to the programme.
The consultant(s) is expected to deliver the tasks specified in the below table within a well-defined timeframe and is kindly requested to review the number of days allocated for each of the deliverables and suggest changes, taking into the account the indicative approximate number of days as referenced in the deliverables.
1 March 2025 - 30 September 2026 (18 months of implementation & 1 month for final reporting).
Year 1 | Days | Year 2 | Days | Year 3 | Days |
Training material development for core competencies | 3 | ||||
Core training 1 | 2.5 | Tailored training 1 | 2.5 | Tailored training 4 | 2.5 |
Needs assessment | Group project design | Individual project practical | |||
Group Mentoring | 0.5 | Group Mentoring | 0.5 | Group Mentoring | 0.5 |
Core training 2 | 2.5 | Tailored training 2 | 2.5 | Peer reflection circle | 0 |
Group project design | Group project presentations | Individual project presentations | 2 | ||
Peer reflection training | 0.5 | Group Mentoring | 0.5 | Group Mentoring | 0.5 |
Group Mentoring | 0.5 | Tailored training 3 | 2.5 | Peer reflection circle | 0 |
Individual project design | Graduation | 0.5 | |||
Peer reflection circle | 0 | ||||
Group Mentoring | 0.5 | ||||
Total number of days | 9.5 | Total number of days | 8.5 | Total number of days | 6 |
- The consultant(s) shall submit a progress report on quarterly basis; end of May 2025, end of August 2025, end of November 2025, end of February 2026, end of May 2026, end of August 2026.
- The consultant(s) shall submit a comprehensive annual report at the end of December 2025.
- The consultant shall a submit one final comprehensive report covering the entire project duration two weeks after the submission of the last quarterly report.
Working arrangements
- The consultant(s) is expected to secure the needed resources required for the delivery of the tasks, including experts, etc.
- Content development will have to be reviewed and approved by WFD.
- The consultant(s) will have to factor in sufficient time in the workplan for a round of approvals from the stakeholders, WFD Head of Practice
- All materials and design under this assignment will be subject to WFD & Donor regulations and will have to be reviewed and approved by WFD and donor.
WFD will disburses payments according to the following:
- On quarterly basis & linked to the delivery of quarterly reports: end of May 2025, end of August 2025, end of November 2025, end of February 2026, end of May 2026, end of August 2026 and upon the satisfactory completion and acceptance of all deliverables as agreed in the ToR.
WFD releases the payment to contractor upon successful completion of requested services stipulated in the TOR within 30 days from time of services completed and submission of service invoices
Minimum experience and expertise
- Extensive experience in delivering coaching, mentoring and capacity development programmes.
- Extensive training and facilitation experience.
- Experience in parliamentary settings ideally in Jordan.
- Experience working directly with MPs who come from historically and structurally disadvantaged backgrounds, such as women and youth.
- Established networks with political leaders within the MENA region.
- Work experience in/understanding of gender.
- Fluent in Arabic and resident in Jordan.
- English fluency is an asset.
- Excellent analytical, research and writing skills.
- Commitment to gender transformative change.
- Experience working collaboratively and in teams.
- Examples of previous similar work.
Proposal process
Below is the proposed timescale for this Call. Please note the dates are indicative and subject to change.
Description |
Date |
Issue Call |
7 January 2025 |
Register interest to submit proposal |
12 January 2025 |
Closing date for receipt of completed proposals |
20 January 2025 |
Shortlisting of proposals |
26 January 2025 |
Expert interviews/presentations to tender committee (if applicable) |
26 January 2025 - 30 January 2025 |
WFD announces preferred supplier |
7 February 2025 |
Contract finalised and signed |
13 February 2025 |
Proposal requirements
In general, the proposal should include the following:
- Profile.
- Proposed solution and how it meets the specification (scope and deliverables).
- Financial proposal.
- References.
- Confirmation of compliance with General Terms and Conditions of tendering.
Individual profile
- If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required.
- If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should provide a C.V. or information in the proposal document including:
- A summary of their professional biography and relevant career history/record of assignments; and
- Case studies/credentials demonstrating relevant experience and skills profile.
Proposed solution
- Clear explanation as to the proposed approach to meeting the specification set out in this Call.
- Detailed project plan, including timelines, assumptions and dependencies, resourcing, and risks.
Financial proposal
- Full breakdown time and cost estimates for the proposed solution in JOD /Jordanian Dinar , including any daily rate to be applied.
- Separate accounting of VAT and/or any other applicable tax, duty, or charge.
- Detailing of any discount applied in view of WFD’s not-for-profit status.
- If the expert is currently registered with WFD’s Expert Roster, the expert should refer to this in the proposal and no further information is required.
- If the expert is not currently registered with the Expert Roster, the expert should include details of at least three references relating to similar expert services provided in the last three years.
Confirmation of acceptance of general terms and conditions
- All proposals should include a signed copy of the Confirmation of Compliance form as annexed to this Call.
All experts should also note the following:
- All proposals should be submitted in English.
- All proposals should be submitted in electronic form.
- This Call and the proposal in response may be incorporated in whole or in part into the final contract.
- Only information provided in response to questions set out in this documentation will be taken into consideration for the purposes of evaluating the proposal.
- Proposals which are poorly organised or poorly written, such that evaluation and comparison with other submissions is notably difficult, may exclude the expert from further consideration.
- Any proposals which do not fully comply with the requirements of this Call may be disregarded at the absolute discretion of WFD.
Evaluation criteria
WFD does not provide a mathematical formula by which bids will be weighted evaluated, but the procurement committee will usually consider the following criteria, among others in the evaluation of all responses:
- Quality of bid document.
- Service offer and solution fit to specification.
- Quality, capacity, and track-record of bidders based on references.
- Value for money and pricing factors.
- Professional profile, track record, and references.
- Relevant experience, including case studies.
WFD will score each criterion using the following table:
0 |
The proposal submitted omits and fundamentally fails to meet WFD’s scope and specifications. Insufficient evidence to support the proposal to allow WFD to evaluate. Not Answered. |
1 |
The information submitted has a severe lack of evidence to demonstrate that WFD’s scope and specifications can be met. Significant omissions, serious and/or many concerns. Poor. |
2 |
The information submitted has some minor omissions in respect of WFD's scope and specifications. The tender satisfies the basic requirements in some respects but is unsatisfactory in other respects and raises some concerns. Satisfactory. |
3 |
The information submitted provides some good evidence to meet the WFD’s scope and specifications and is satisfactory in most respects and there are few concerns. Good. |
4 |
The information submitted provides good evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met. Full and robust response, any concerns are addressed so that the proposal gives confidence. Very Good. |
5 |
The information submitted provides strong evidence that all of WFD's scope and specification can be met and the proposal exceeds expectation i.e. exemplary in the industry. Provides full confidence and no concerns. Outstanding. |
Queries about this Call
Any questions related to this Call should be addressed to Safa Salim, Finance and Compliance Manager at
Equal Information
Should any potential expert raise a question that is of general interest, WFD reserves the right to circulate both question and answer to other respondents, either via WFD’s website or by email. In this event, anonymity will be maintained.
Annual reports
If you operate a personal services company, please provide a link or copy of your company’s latest audited annual accounts with the proposal.
Other information
If the potential expert believes that there is additional information that has not been requested in the Call but is relevant to your proposal, please include that information as a separate attachment and explain its relevance to this Call.