The SNP WFD Programme in Malawi in 2021-22

Alongside our programmes, WFD supports the international work of UK political parties.
The WFD SNP programme’s main projects included a gender budget analysis and developing and disseminating a country specific stakeholder mapping tool for female parliamentarians in Malawi to maximise their advocacy and lobbying efforts.
The data collected from this tool will be uploaded to each member’s “constituency dashboard”, which will allow each member to have up-to-date and easily accessible information and data regarding their constituency.
Through collaborations with the 50:50 Campaign, we have been able to ensure that the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus is actively involved in the electoral reform process, and especially, discussions around the Gender Quota Proposal. The WFD SNP programme has also been able to ensure that the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus is consulted on the gender quota proposal and is able to pose queries when necessary.
A Media Monitoring Report was also developed through conducting media content analysis to identify policy frames and discourse commonly used when reporting on female MPs. This has helped the team to further assess and determine the type of media and visibility support that would be most beneficial to Caucus members.