Risk to civil liberty in Georgia from the Law on Foreign Influence


Risk to civil liberty in Georgia from the Law on Foreign Influence

There are widespread protests in Georgia opposing the Law on Foreign Influence. WFD urges the Georgian government to heed its citizens' concerns and reconsider the law.
A flag of Georgia
A flag of Georgia. Photo by Zura Narimanishvili on Unsplash

Widespread protests across Georgia are demanding an end to the Law on Foreign Influence. Their concern that it will have a negative impact on civil liberties and undo years of democratic progress, is aligned with international analysis. WFD calls on the Government of Georgia to listen to its people and reconsider this course of action.

WFD has supported democratic actors and institutions in Georgia for more than a decade. This work has helped Georgian partners' efforts to strengthen democracy by improving transparency, accountability, and inclusion and positive steps have been taken towards Euro-Atlantic integration. The prospect of this new law puts this progress, and Georgia’s democratic future, at risk.