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Orange day celebration in SL


WFD has continued to mobilise and train Corps members to reach out to youths, women and PWDs with voter education messages and support the participation of marginalised groups in the electoral process.
Group of people with some holding placards
WFD Nigeria, through its Inclusive and Accountable Politics (IAP) programme, is working to build the capabilities of young persons in politics.
A group of people with some holding placards
In-line with the overall objective of the Inclusive and Accountable Politics programme to promote the participation of underrepresented groups in politics, WFD launched a #PoliticsWithValues campaign to promote values in political participation in Nigeria, in October 2019.
WFD, in partnership with the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) and the Government of Edo State, supported the advancement of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Edo state, Nigeria.
People standing for a picture
In the run up to the 2019 election in Nigeria, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, in partnership with the Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) and funded by the EU, informed underrepresented groups like women, young people and persons with disabilities about their rights before and on polling day.
A woman holding a placard
Engagement strategies are at the heart of every voter education campaign. WFD, through collaborative work with National Youth Service Corps, established the Voter Education Community Development Service (CDS) group in three focal states in Nigeria.
People holding placards
On 25 July, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) launched a new Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) to support the advancement of democracy in Nigeria through increased political participation and electoral representation of young people.