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News, commentary, and stories from WFD
Orange day celebration in SL


During a WFD panel discussion, current and former female politicians shared experiences of gender-based violence. Malaysiakini covered the event.
The high and often growing costs that individuals bear in seeking and maintaining political office are excluding people from politics, fuelling corruption, and fundamentally reshaping the way in which citizens and their elected representatives interact.
A photo of the Democracy Action Partnership event in action - a group of people are talking in groups, sat at tables or standing, concentration on brainstorming actions. In the centre is an orange banner which says strengthening democracy around the world.
The Gender Safety Assessment Tool Co-creation Workshop brought together voices that embody resilience and leadership in the fight against violence against women in politics (VAWP).
A group photo of participant from the women political leadership programme
Democracy is a tool to solve real-world problems and make change that positively impacts billions of lives. In episode 1 of our democracy success stories series, Budgeting for all in Malaysia, we tell the story of how gender-responsive budgeting is helping to improve lives in Malaysia.
A member of Teja Station, a Civil Society Organisation from Malaysia learning sewing skills
WFD works with local partners to promote women's political leadership worldwide. WFD is focused on creating an inclusive and supportive environment in the ASEAN region that enables politically active women to participate in and assume leadership roles in national, local, and regional politics.
Women panelist in a discussion
On Tuesday 24 May 2022, select members of a visiting delegation from the Malaysian Parliamentary Special Select Committee (PSSC) on Women, Children, and Social Development visited WFD’s new offices for meetings related to gender equality, data and budgeting.
malaysian delegation
Over 100 people from all backgrounds – local and community organisations, business, academia and politics – attended a WFD conference, pledging to do more to champion women’s rights in Malaysia.
A large group of people in a conference hall