Governance document
2020 Framework Agreement
This Framework Agreement has been drawn up by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in consultation with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy. It sets out the broad framework within which the WFD will operate.

This Framework Agreement has been drawn up by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (hereafter “the FCO”) in consultation with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (hereafter “WFD”) and replaces the Framework Agreement and its associated Financial Memorandum dated 20 November 2013. This document sets out the broad framework within which the WFD will operate. The document does not convey any legal powers or responsibilities, and despite being referred to as an agreement, is not intended to be legally binding or legally effective in any way. It is signed and dated by the FCO and the WFD. Copies of the document and any subsequent amendments have been made available to members of the public on GOV.UK and the WFD website.