2021 - 2022 Annual Report and Accounts

The financial year April 2021 to March 2022 marked the final year in our 2017-22 strategy period. Throughout this period we have been committed to four objectives in supporting democratic governance:
- Promoting inclusive political processes
- Enabling accountable political systems
- Supporting the protection of freedom and rights
- Fostering pluralist societies
Despite the global challenges facing democracy and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, WFD made progress across each of these areas.
Over the last year WFD is proud of the progress we've made working with partners to deliver 87 programmes in 39 countries and territories.
Our Annual Report and Accounts for the period was laid in Parliament on 13 October 2022.
The annual report and accounts are also available to download in large print.
We have also published an overview of our achievements in strengthening democracy around the world in 2021-2022, called our Annual Review.